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The Best Way to Combat Air Quality Issues This Spring

Spring is here, and with it comes a whole slew of issues. One of the most common problems people have during the spring season is the uptick in allergy attacks, and other indoor air quality-related problems. It can be difficult to enjoy the beautiful weather and flowers when you’re sneezing every few seconds. There’s not too much you can do about air quality outside your home, but you can take certain steps to increase your comfort levels when you’re inside. Let’s take a look at some of those solutions now.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are devices designed to remove airborne contaminants from your home, including common allergens like dust, dander and pollen. Which air purifier you have installed should depend on your individual needs. Consulting with a professional is the best way to find which air purifier will serve you best. Assuming you have the correct type installed, you should notice a marked improvement in your symptoms.

Duct Cleaning

Contaminants are known to build up in ducts over time, then get cycled through the home when a forced air system like an air conditioner is turned on. This can result in an increase in allergen-related issues during the spring, when you’re likely to be using your air conditioner more often. You should get your ducts cleaned at least once a year, in order to keep this from happening.

Germicidal Lights

Germicidal lights are light bulbs that give off a high level of ultraviolet light. Infectious contaminants, like germs and mold spores, cannot withstand exposure to high levels of UV light. Most of these contaminants will be sterilized or destroyed upon contact with the germicidal light, which will help to keep you healthier.

If you’d like to know more, call Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. We offer a full range of indoor air quality services throughout Lake City, FL.  

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