Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lake City’

How AC Tune-Ups Will Save You Headaches This Summer

Monday, May 15th, 2023

You’ve heard us say over and over again that AC maintenance is crucial for keeping your air conditioner working at its best. There are both short-term and long-term benefits to AC maintenance, but the short-term benefits are perhaps the most enticing. 

You want to have peace of mind this summer that your air conditioner will work great no matter how hot it gets outside. Our team can help by providing services like air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL. Keep reading to learn more about why a spring AC tune-up will benefit you this summer season.

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Welcome March! And Welcome Air Conditioning Maintenance!

Monday, March 6th, 2023

The month of March means the end of winter and the beginning of spring. That doesn’t necessarily mean an immediate change to spring weather, but warm weather is never far away here in Florida. 

March is a great time to think about how you’ll keep your house comfortable throughout the steady heat of the middle of the year. For all of us at Touchstone, this when we get to work helping customers with air conditioning maintenance. This is one of the most important services we offer, because it helps our customers enjoy the best performance from their cooling systems and get the largest return on their investment in home comfort. Maintenance eliminates most of the problems an AC may have. Best of all, it bestows peace of mind for our customers who don’t want to get trapped with a broken AC in the middle of a July heatwave. 

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Several Common Repairs Your Heat Pump May Need

Monday, January 9th, 2023

It’s always heat pump season. That’s one of the amazing things about these systems: they provide comfort for both hot and cold weather. Right now, with colder winter weather than we’re used to in Florida, you’ll rely on your heat pump to deliver warm air to your house and family.

But what if it doesn’t? Although heat pumps are built to rigorous standards, they can still malfunction like any other complicated electronic device. Even with the best maintenance—which can eliminate more than 50% of repair needs—you still may need to call our technicians for heat pump repair in Lake City, FL at some point.

With that in mind, let’s look at some of the more common repair needs that can crop up for a heat pump.

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How AC Refrigerant Coils Work—And How They Can Go Wrong

Monday, June 27th, 2022

An air conditioning system has many different parts that combine together to provide cool comfort for a house. The part of an AC that does the direct cooling of the air is the evaporator coil, which works in conjunction with a second coil, the condenser coil, to allow for the heat exchange process that’s at the core of how an air conditioning system works.

Today, we’re going to look closer at how these coils work, as well as how they may end up requiring professional AC repair in Lake City, FL.

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It’s Spring—And That Means It’s the Season for an AC Tune-Up!

Monday, April 4th, 2022

No matter where you live, one of the best parts about spring is seeing the days lengthen, the flowers bloom, and the weather get warmer. At the same time, homeowners understand that spring is also a time to consider routine maintenance around the house. Many of us look at our homes to see if they need work, such as loose shingles, peeling paint, damaged windows, or clogged gutters.

But what about our HVAC system? For too many of us, the air conditioner is an unseen force that keeps us comfortable in the summer months. Nonetheless, an HVAC system also needs maintenance. Let’s look at the benefits of AC maintenance in Lake City, FL.

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The Big Heat Pump Question: Is It a Good Spring Replacement for Your Current HVAC System?

Monday, March 21st, 2022

Every year as spring rolls around, many homeowners are faced with an important question: is their HVAC system still meeting their needs? Maybe the heater struggled during the winter, even with our warm Florida climate. Or it could be that last summer was extremely hot, inside and out, because the air conditioner quit working well. Either way, many customers will ask themselves if they should simply replace their HVAC system with something similar, or switch to a heat pump. For most people, the best time to switch is during the spring.

Let’s look at why you should, or should not, consider heat pump installation in Lake City, FL.

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Undersized and Oversized: Why a New AC Must Be Right in the Middle

Monday, December 27th, 2021

It’s in the middle of summer, and the sun is convincingly scorching as you look at it through the window from the comfort of your house. It’s unfortunate if your AC breaks down during this period, leaving you with no options but to cool yourself with a fan and bucket-loads of ice.

But this is a temporary solution. You need a permanent fix, and you can only achieve this once you understand why your AC keeps breaking down.

AC malfunction is a shared problem for most Americans. Fortunately, the problem is easy to solve, as it’s usually associated with installing the wrong-sized AC in your home.  

Touchstone takes pride in customer satisfaction and services that include AC replacement in Lake City, FL.

Here are some other reasons why having the wrong sized AC is a problem.

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Can My Air Conditioner Rust?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Anything made of ferrous metal can potentially rust, and that includes your air conditioning system. Is this a common occurrence that you should worry about? And how would rust start to develop on an AC in the first place? We’ll get into that below, as well as help you know when you should call our team for AC repair in Lake City, FL.

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Failed Capacitors in Your AC: What’s Wrong, How to Fix It

Monday, November 1st, 2021

After a long summer and fall of hard work keeping your home cool, your air conditioning system may start to run into trouble due to wear and tear. This is one of the hazards of living in a place with such a warm climate where ACs don’t get a long break during the winter. We have to be extra vigilant of how our air conditioning systems operate to catch potential trouble they may have between their regular maintenance visits in the spring. 

One common trouble that ACs encounter after working through hot weather is with capacitors. Failed capacitors will bring an air conditioner to a halt. Below we’re going to talk more about capacitors, how to tell if they are failing/have failed, and what to do about it.

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If the AC’s Compressor Fails, Do I Need to Get a New AC?

Monday, October 18th, 2021

You may have heard that a failed compressor in a central air conditioning system means the whole system needs to be replaced. Compressors are critical for an AC’s operation—they’re responsible for circulating refrigerant and putting it under pressure so it can move heat out of the home and cool the air. Compressors are also large and powerful components that are expensive to replace. Since compressors often fail in older AC’s, it makes sense to replace the AC rather than pay just to replace the compressor.

However, a failed compressor doesn’t automatically mean a central air conditioner must be replaced. Not in all situations. Below we’ll look at four different outcomes for a failed compressor. This can help you make the choice about whether to have an AC replacement or an air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL, but please consult with our HVAC professionals to help you make the final decision.

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