Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

My AC is On, But Hot Air is Coming Out of My Vents

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

It can come as quite a shock, especially on a hot day. “My AC is on, but hot air is coming out of my vents!” You don’t need to be an expert to know that something’s wrong, and when problems arise with your air conditioning, Gainesville FL weather can be particularly unforgiving. What causes an air conditioner to blow hot air? The obvious answer is that the thermostat hasn’t been set properly, or perhaps needs replacing. Beyond that, the possible causes grow more serious.

Air conditioning systems depend on refrigerant gas cycling through a closed system in order to function as they should. If the unit is blowing hot air (as opposed to not blowing any air at all), then the problem likely lies somewhere within this system. For instance, if the compressor is malfunctioning, it won’t be able to turn the refrigerant gas into a liquid – a vital step towards allowing it to cool the air.

The problem may also stem from a leak in the system, releasing refrigerant into the air. If too much refrigerant is lost, the process can’t work at all, and no cold air will be generated. You can spot this condition by the presence of frost on the evaporator coils: evidence of all the coldness that isn’t going into your home.

In some cases, the problem may be caused by a leak in your duct system or somewhere similar. Leaks can pull hot air into the ducts while the air conditioner is running, substituting the cold air with warm air.

Regardless of the causes, you need a trained expert to find a solution. The pros at Touchstone Heating & Air handle any problems you may have with your Gainesville FL home’s air conditioning system. Call us today to schedule service!

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Air Conditioning Tip: When to Use the Fan Only

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

We experience some seriously hot and humid weather around here, and a reliable air conditioning system is often your only weapon against the soaring temperatures outside. That air conditioning system uses a lot of energy, however: as much as 16% of your total household electricity, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. You can cut that down by using your system’s “fan only” feature, which stops the cooling process but continues to circulate the air in throughout your home.

The most obvious period is right after you’ve shut your air conditioning down for the day. With the cooled air still in your house, you can turn on the fan and help circulate it, staying cool for longer. This can keep your house from becoming stuffy when the AC is not running, and also make sure your air is going through your air filtration system.

You might also consider using the fan only after the sun goes down, or when cooler breezes blow near your house on days when the humidity levels are lower. The flow will refresh the existing air while keeping your temperatures down to agreeable levels.

You can help this process by ensuring that your air conditioner is functioning as it should and that the blower fan isn’t bent or damaged. Knowing when to use the fan only won’t do you much good if the air conditioner itself is broken. For expert service and advice, contact Touchstone Heating & Air! 

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Air Conditioning Repair: Causes of Grinding Sounds

Monday, October 7th, 2013

If you live in Gainesville, FL, you know that air conditioning repair is not something you want to put off. We need a swift repairman to correct any problem before the next heat wave hits and we need to be able to spot signs of trouble before they lead to bigger issues. Otherwise, our cool, comfortable homes will be at the mercy of our patented muggy weather. A prudent homeowner will notice when his or her air conditioner isn’t performing as it should. To cite one obvious example, spotting the causes of grinding sounds when your air conditioning unit turns on can help get the issue resolved that much more quickly.

Obviously, grinding sounds aren’t good when they’re coming from your air conditioning. The sound usually results from metal parts rubbing up against each other, a sure sign that something is broken. The blower fan is one common cause of grinding sounds. When it’s bent or misaligned, it can scrape up against nearby parts, causing friction and resulting in serious damage. In some cases, debris such as twigs can get caught in the fan blade as well, resulting in damage to the fan itself.

Grinding noises aren’t limited to the fan, however. They can occur in motors in the system which overheat or otherwise malfunction. With some air conditioning units, these components have automatic shut-off systems that kick in whenever they malfunction. Those that don’t will continue to run, however, making that awful grinding noise and causing further damage each moment.

Whenever you hear that noise, don’t hesitate. Shut off the unit and call an air conditioning expert. A qualified professional should be able to isolate the problem and correct it with a reasonable amount of expediency. If you have any questions about Gainesville FL air conditioning repair, call Touchstone Heating & Air for help. Our staff of trained professionals will track down the causes of grinding problems, then give you an accurate assessment before conducting repairs with speed and accuracy. If your AC unit is making sounds that it shouldn’t, don’t hesitate to call us today.

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Air Conditioning: Reducing Energy Costs

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Did you look over your air conditioning bills after a muggy Florida summer and wonder what you could’ve done to lower them? Touchstone Heating & Air has some good advice on what you can do to get those AC electric bills down and keep them down. When it comes to air conditioning in Gainesville, FL, trust our experienced team to help you get the most from your system.

A very simple step you can take to use less power with your AC is to make more use of the “fan only” mode. Some people don’t realize that this mode uses significantly less power than when the unit is set to cooling. With the air conditioner set to “fan only,” no power goes to the compressor that sends refrigerant through the system. Although you won’t get cooled air from your vents, you will get excellent air circulation to provide you with relief from stagnant air.

Try to avoid the temptation to crank your AC to its coldest setting. According to the EPA, if you raise your thermostat a mere six degrees from 72° to 78°, you can save up to 18% on your electricity bill each year. Most people will find 78° comfortable no matter the weather outside. Stabilize your daytime use at this temperature, and then take advantage of the cool evening temperature to raise it further or to shut it off and you should see a positive effect on your monthly power bills.

Finally, have a professional complete preventive maintenance on your air conditioner to make sure that it operates efficiently. Dirt building up inside the case, overworked motors, poor connections, and refrigerant leaks will all lead to an AC that sucks up more energy than it should. The better your AC runs, the less power it will waste. Plan to get check-ups twice a year for your air conditioner. The fall is a good time to start, since technicians will have more open schedules.

Touchstone Heating & Air takes pride in making customer satisfaction our top priority. Your air conditioning in Gainesville, FL is in good hands when you call on us.

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Air Conditioning Tip: Your AC and Your Generator

Monday, September 9th, 2013

Hurricane season is coming up, and power outages are something Florida residents need to seriously consider. Using an emergency generator or a standby generator is something many people rely on. But how does a generator affect your air conditioning system, and vice versa?

Touchstone Heating & Air has many years of experience with the air conditioning trouble you might expect with the troublesome hurricane weather in Gainesville, FL. Here are a few things you should know about your air conditioner and your generator:

  • Starting up your AC: Like many machines, the time where your air conditioner needs to draw the most power is when it turns on. When using an emergency or standby generator, try to avoid numerous start-ups with your AC. Think of it like flooding the engine of a car: too many tries, and the whole thing shuts down.
  • Know your power needs: How much energy does your AC require to run? How much can your generator give it? You don’t want your air conditioner overloading your generator, or your generator to fail to provide enough electricity to operate your air conditioner. An HVAC expert can help you determine the best fit between the two.
  • Prepare Your AC for the season: If your air conditioner has not received regular preventive maintenance, some of its components can cause serious problems when hooked up to a generator. An overloaded compressor, a malfunctioning capacitor, or overheated fan motors: any one of these could cause a power surge and damage your generator. You will need to call in a specialist to diagnose possible voltage issues with your air conditioner before hurricane season starts. With this kind of power involved, don’t risk trying to fix any the AC yourself!

Hurricane season can be a frightening time. But if you’ve taken care of your air conditioner, you shouldn’t have to worry about it causing trouble with your emergency or standby generator. To get ready for the season, call our Gainesville, FL air conditioning technicians. We can help you with the maintenance you need to feel secure. We also serve Lake City and the surrounding areas.

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Air Conditioning Guide: 3 AC Components You May Not Know About

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

Air conditioning units are complex pieces of machinery, requiring numerous components to function together if they’re going to work as they should. Most people are aware that refrigerant  is used, and you can hear fans and blowers run any time you turn the air conditioning system on. But other components play an important role in the process – especially in cities like Gainesville, FL, where AC units run constantly during the hot summer months – and non-experts may not be familiar with their purpose and function. Here are 3 AC components you may not know about and the roles they serve in the cooling process.

  • Condensate pan: The condensate pan collects condensation that forms on the evaporator coils, then moves it out of the system via a condensate drain. This prevents the condensate from infiltrating the rest of the system, possibly causing water damage.
  • Expansion valve: The expansion valve serves as a sort of “gateway” to the evaporator coils, where the actual cooling process takes place. Refrigerant arrives at the valve in liquid form and under a great deal of pressure. The valve acts in a manner similar to an aerosol can, releasing a set amount of the liquid into the coils. The liquid evaporates and pulls heat from the nearby air, which a fan then blows into your home.
  •  Condenser coils: The condenser coils put the refrigerant in a liquid state before it moves to the expansion valve. The refrigerant enters the coils as a gas, where it its then cooled to a liquid form. This heat dissipates off the coils, which is then blown out of the system by a fan. For this reason, condenser coils are a part of the outdoor unit.

If you experience problems with your air conditioning system, whether it stems from an unknown component or something more recognizable like the thermostat, it pays to contact a professional as soon as possible. The experts at Touchstone Heating & Air handle air conditioning issues throughout the Gainesville FL area. Call us today and make an appointment.

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Don’t Settle for Expensive Air Conditioning

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

When it comes to air conditioning systems, Gainesville, FL residents can’t be casual. The city’s constant warm temperatures and high humidity make cool, comfortable indoor temperatures an absolute must. But just as air conditioning systems are so necessary, so too do homeowners need to use them in such a way that keeps their monthly electric bills in check. Some people think they have to accept higher costs if they want to stay cool. That’s not necessarily the case. Don’t settle for expensive air conditioning costs when a little foresight and planning can save you a great deal.

Don’t Skimp on Installation or Maintenance

Saving money on air conditioning doesn’t mean “buy a cheap AC unit.” The less expensive the unit, the cheaper its component part are, and the more apt it will be to break down, Moreover, cheap AC units often lack the efficiency of higher-end models, costing you in monthly bills every month. Inexpensive labor, too, can cause problems, since an improperly installed air conditioning unit is more vulnerable to wear and tear, and may create serious problems far sooner than a unit installed by a trained expert.

Furthermore, an air conditioning unit that doesn’t receive routine upkeep and maintenance can drive those monthly bills higher. Components can get dirty, leaks can form from loose fittings, and the normal grind of wear-and-tear eventually takes its toll. When air filters get excessively dirty, they can impede the flow of cool air, while clogs of obstructions at various points will also slow down the flow of air. If your refrigerant leaks, your air conditioning unit will struggle to cool the air in your home. All of these can result not only in higher energy bills, but also more frequent repairs.

Maintenance Saves Money

You can help prevent those higher costs with a regular maintenance plan. A trained professional can come to your home and give your air conditioning system a thorough going over: cleaning dirty components, sealing leaks, recharging refrigerant and identifying faulty components in need of further repair. That process not only saves you money in deferred service calls, but it improves your unit’s overall efficiency, letting it do more with less energy and cutting down on your monthly bills.

For quality air conditioning installation and maintenance in Gainesville, FL, speak to the professionals at Touchstone Heating & Air. We can install your air conditioning unit right the first time, every time, and our maintenance program help you keep your system running at top capacity.

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Why Integrate Zone Control into Your Air Conditioning

Monday, July 29th, 2013

In Gainesville, FL, air conditioning is no laughing matter. Hot, humid summers necessitate an escape into the cool comfort of your home, making a proper air conditioning system far more of a necessity than a luxury. But you may find that your air conditioning cools your house unevenly, or cools parts of the house that you rarely spend extended periods of time in. In that case, you may want to integrate a zone control system into your air conditioning system, which provides better control over the air flow in your house and could save you money on your electric bills.

A zone control system basically divides your home into separate zones, then establishes controls allowing you to alter the temperature in each zone. So if one family member can set the temperature to 68 degrees in the living room, while another can sleep in the bedroom with the temperature at 72. Zone control systems do this through a variety of methods, including dampers in your existing duct system that control the air flow to different parts of the house.

There are numerous reasons for doing so. The biggest is probably energy savings. By cooling only specific parts of the house, your air conditioning doesn’t have to work as hard, and thus spends less energy to perform its job. In addition, zone control allows you to maintain an even temperature throughout your house more readily. An upper story, for example, tends to be warmer than a lower story, since hot air rises. Zone control lets you maintain the same temperature much more easily, so that no single story is warmer or cooler than any other.

If you want to integrate zone control into your air conditioning system, it pays to consult an expert on the best way of going about it. In Gainesville, FL, Touchstone Heating & Air has the expertise to both advise you on your options and to install a zone control system in your house. Contact us today to set up an appointment, and let us show you what a difference our experience and professionalism can make.

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Air Conditioning Tip: Saving Money at the Thermostat

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

In Gainesville, FL, air conditioning is far more necessity than luxury, and local residents are used to higher energy bills when the mercury starts to rise. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way.  Saving energy can be easy, and you can begin at the thermostat: the one part of the air conditioning system that almost everyone is familiar with.

You can start with a fairly easy step: set your thermostat to a slightly higher temperature than you’re used to. 78 degrees doesn’t feel much different than 73 degrees, but it can save a fair amount of money with your monthly bills. You might also consider replacing an old manual thermostat with a programmable one that automatically turns the AC off when you leave for work and turns back on just before you get home. That provides a cool home when you arrive without wasting countless hours of energy keeping it cold when you’re not around.

On a more technical level, a thermostat’s placement in the house can affect its accuracy. Thermostats use air currents passing through them to determine the temperature in a given room. A thermostat placed in a breezy corner or unusually sunny spot may misread the temperature, causing the AC to turn on when it isn’t needed. Moving the thermostat to a spot that more accurately reflects the temperature of the room can help you save money on unnecessary costs.

For 15 years, the dedicated professionals at Touchstone Heating and Air have worked to save you money by keeping your air conditioning in peak shape. We can help you move your thermostat and/or replace an outdated model with something newer and easier to use. Either way, it will help you with saving money at the thermostat, and as always, you can trust us to do the job right the first time, every time. Contact our Gainesville, FL air conditioning technicians today and see how we can save you money at the thermostat.

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My Air Filter is Wet: Do I Need Air Conditioning Repair

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Your air conditioning system has an air filter in it that is there to protect the moving parts from dust and debris. If this air filter isn’t properly maintained it can cause a whole host of issues for your home. A common problem that we get called to repair is a wet air filter. Make sure that you call for professional air conditioning repair in Gainesville, FL whenever you have any issue with your system. Here at Touchstone Heating & Air, we wanted to put together a quick explanation about what could be causing the problem of a wet air filter.

Wet Air Filter

In order to cool the air in your home, your AC system passes the warm, moist air from your home over a series of evaporator coils. Similar to the way condensation forms on the outside of your glass on a hot day, condensation will also form on these evaporator coils. Normally, this condensation will drip down into a collector pan and rain away.

However, if the condensation pan or the drain lines get clogged then water can leak out and cause many problems for your home. One of the things that can happen is for the water to leak out and get absorbed by the air filter in your system. Not only can this cause mold in the air filter, but it will also likely restrict the flow of air through your system.

But this is just one possible explanation of what might be happening. It could also be that your AC system was installed poorly and the condensation from the evaporator coils somehow gets onto the air filter. It might also be that the air filter is installed in the wrong place. Either way, call for professional air conditioning repair in Gainesville, FL today.

How to Avoid a Wet Air Filter

There are a couple of different ways for you to potentially avoid getting a wet air filter in your AC system.

  • Get regular maintenance – One of the best ways to avoid air conditioning repair in general is to get your system regularly inspected and maintained by a pro. During regular maintenance visits, your AC technicians will look for any small issues that could be developing. They will fix these things before they cause further damage to your system and to your home.
  • Get professional installation – Another great thing to have done if you’re getting a new air conditioner installed is to get it done by a professional. This will allow you to avoid many repairs that result from bad installation work.

If you need air conditioning repair in Gainesville, FL, make sure that you call the friendly experts at Touchstone Heating & Air.

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