Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

4 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your AC Run Better

Monday, July 24th, 2023

You want to get the most out of your air conditioner, and we don’t blame you. It was an expensive upfront investment and you want to get the best results without any hiccups along the way. The good news is, we have some tips to help you achieve this goal.

And if anything does happen with your air conditioner, and you need to schedule central AC repair in Lake City, FL, our team can help. You can keep reading to learn about the four ways that you can help your AC to run smoother and more efficiently. Then give our team a call to schedule your service appointment if you have any concerns.

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My AC Condenser Is Frozen. Now What?

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Having an icy condenser is a big problem. But it’s actually not the problem you need to be worried most about. After all, an icy condenser is just the result of a problem deeper in your air conditioning system.

If you notice ice developing on your condenser, it’s time to call for AC repair in Newberry, FL. If you’re wondering what to do when your AC condenser develops ice, you can keep reading to learn more. We will also share some reasons that ice may develop on your condenser coils so that you can understand the problem better.

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How AC Tune-Ups Will Save You Headaches This Summer

Monday, May 15th, 2023

You’ve heard us say over and over again that AC maintenance is crucial for keeping your air conditioner working at its best. There are both short-term and long-term benefits to AC maintenance, but the short-term benefits are perhaps the most enticing. 

You want to have peace of mind this summer that your air conditioner will work great no matter how hot it gets outside. Our team can help by providing services like air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL. Keep reading to learn more about why a spring AC tune-up will benefit you this summer season.

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Watch Out for AC Condensate Drainage Troubles

Monday, April 17th, 2023

When your air conditioner cools the air in your home, it also removes some of the humidity to help the air feel cooler. After all, drier air feels cooler than if there is extra humidity in the air. When your air conditioner removes moisture from the air, that moisture has to drain out somewhere.

That’s where your condensate drain line comes in. Still, it’s possible for this drain line to get clogged and allow water to back up into your AC and home. If you think that you need to have service for your air conditioning in Newberry, FL, our team is here to help. Keep reading to learn more about problems with your condensate drain, how to identify them, and what you can do to help.

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Before Your AC Really Gets to Work, Find Out If Anything Is Wrong With It

Monday, March 20th, 2023

It’s time to start thinking about the heat. Not just the warmer weather of spring, but the real scorching days of midsummer. Right now is the best time to make sure that you have an air conditioning system in your home that can handle the intense Florida heat.

“My AC has worked fine before,” you might say. “What will stop it from working fine again?”

Past performance isn’t a good guide to future results, especially when you consider the wear and tear an AC in Florida goes through. Your air conditioning system may have hidden malfunctions you don’t know about. Before you throw your AC into the hottest weather of the year, it pays to know if anything isn’t right with it. Scheduling timely AC repair in Wellborn, FL or elsewhere in North Central Florida will save you from dealing with your cooling system failing abruptly when you need it the most.

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Signs of a Failing Compressor in an AC

Monday, September 5th, 2022

The compressor is the literal heart of the AC: it’s what makes refrigerant circulate through the system and go through the process of evaporating and condensing. It’s an extremely powerful component that uses more electricity than any other part of the AC—from 35,000 to 41,000 watts per hour. It’s also an expensive piece to replace if it fails. Homeowners often find it more cost-effective to replace the entire air conditioning system in the case of the burnt-out compressor.

We want to help you avoid running into a problem because of a failed compressor. If you call for AC repair in Madison, FL in time, we can sometimes rescue the compressor and keep your AC working for several more years. 

Below are some warning signs of a compressor that’s failing.

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How an Old AC Can Become Too Costly (And Not Just in Money)

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

We understand that people want to get their money’s worth from their homes’ air conditioning systems, so they’ll try to push those ACs to last as long as possible. But an old air conditioner is a costly thing to have in a home—and not only because it will waste money.

The average service life expectancy of a central AC is 10 to 15 years. When an air conditioner reaches this range or goes beyond it, it will create problems. Below are some of the ways your old AC can be costing you.

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How AC Refrigerant Coils Work—And How They Can Go Wrong

Monday, June 27th, 2022

An air conditioning system has many different parts that combine together to provide cool comfort for a house. The part of an AC that does the direct cooling of the air is the evaporator coil, which works in conjunction with a second coil, the condenser coil, to allow for the heat exchange process that’s at the core of how an air conditioning system works.

Today, we’re going to look closer at how these coils work, as well as how they may end up requiring professional AC repair in Lake City, FL.

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Amateur AC Repair Errors We Often See

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Please don’t attempt to make repairs to your air conditioning system on your own if you’re not a trained HVAC technician. And don’t let amateurs take on AC repairs either. It’s that simple: the modern central air conditioner is a complex piece of refrigeration technology that requires years of training and special tools to repair. 

If you have a malfunctioning cooling system in your home, the best way to deal with it is to call us to schedule AC repair in Alachua, FL. We’re responsive professionals with more than two decades of history fixing all types of air conditioning problems.

We can use our experience repairing ACs to explain why amateur tampering can go so wrong. We’ve often inspected air conditioners and discovered mistakes made from some non-professional attempts to fix them. If your current AC was already in your house when you moved in, you may not even realize your cooling system has these “amateur patches,” and they can lead to trouble later. Here are a few of the more common botched repair errors we see.

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Can My Air Conditioner Rust?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Anything made of ferrous metal can potentially rust, and that includes your air conditioning system. Is this a common occurrence that you should worry about? And how would rust start to develop on an AC in the first place? We’ll get into that below, as well as help you know when you should call our team for AC repair in Lake City, FL.

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