Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Installation’

How to Prepare for an AC Installation

Monday, July 8th, 2024

If you are looking forward to installing a new AC system in your home, you may be wondering what you can do ahead of the appointment to prepare both your home and your family. The good news is that we have some tips that will help you get ready for your air conditioning installation in Lake Butler.

If you have any questions after reading through the tips, just give us a call and we would be happy to help. After all, we appreciate any steps you can take to aid our team and make the installation process as easy as possible for both you and us.

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Undersized and Oversized: Why a New AC Must Be Right in the Middle

Monday, December 27th, 2021

It’s in the middle of summer, and the sun is convincingly scorching as you look at it through the window from the comfort of your house. It’s unfortunate if your AC breaks down during this period, leaving you with no options but to cool yourself with a fan and bucket-loads of ice.

But this is a temporary solution. You need a permanent fix, and you can only achieve this once you understand why your AC keeps breaking down.

AC malfunction is a shared problem for most Americans. Fortunately, the problem is easy to solve, as it’s usually associated with installing the wrong-sized AC in your home.  

Touchstone takes pride in customer satisfaction and services that include AC replacement in Lake City, FL.

Here are some other reasons why having the wrong sized AC is a problem.

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Do I Need an HVAC Expert to Help Select a New Air Conditioner?

Monday, April 8th, 2019

ac-techniciansShopping for a new central air conditioning system for your home is hard to compare to most other types of shopping. It might not be as stressful as buying a new car, or as expensive, but with a new car there are many different models that would suit you, and personal preference is one of the most important criteria in making a final choice. With an air conditioner, there’s a narrow number of units that will do the job necessary, and choosing the wrong one means a house that isn’t comfortable and utility bills much higher than necessary.

You absolutely need a Lake City, FL, HVAC professional to help you to find a central air conditioner for a new installation. Trying to go it alone can end up creating major problems.

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2 New Features of Air Conditioning Systems

Monday, December 18th, 2017

modern-thermostatYou may be excited to tell someone to check out the features on your new smartphone or the quality of your new TV. But when it comes to essentials in the home like an air conditioner, does it really matter whether you’ve got the latest and greatest technology? We think so.

Today, we want to highlight two features you may come across when installing or updating an air conditioning system. You might be surprised by how much more convenient the AC is to use and how much you save. You’ll be telling all your friends about the “coolest” new AC features!

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How Long Can You Expect to Keep Air Conditioning Equipment?

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

touchstone-new-ac-yorkWe know that it can be frustrating to find out your air conditioning system needs replacement. It feels like you haven’t had your system for that long, after all (although you may not remember the exact date). In our area, air conditioning systems fail even sooner than in other parts of the country. So when you set out to purchase a new air conditioner, you have one big question: how long will this one last?

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What High-Efficiency HVAC System Is Right for My Starke Home?

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Did you just move into a new home that has an old and obsolete air conditioner? Are you concerned that your existing AC won’t make it through the summer?

Because of the significant role that your AC plays, investing in a new air conditioner is no small decision. While not every homeowner will want to splurge on a top of the line system, there are good reasons to consider a high-efficiency HVAC system, including improved energy efficiency, versatility, and longevity. Which one is right for you? 

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Signs You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, March 14th, 2016

Warmer weather is here, and people are starting to make use of their air conditioners to stay comfortable. For some people, though, now is the time to have a new air conditioning unit installed. If you’re not sure whether or not your air conditioner can get you through another summer, read on. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that you might need to replace your old air conditioner.

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3 Ways to Evaluate Whether You Need to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Monday, April 6th, 2015

With summer fast approaching, now is the time of year when homeowners start to get their air conditioning systems ready for the season. There comes a time with every air conditioning system, however, when maintenance and repairs simply aren’t good enough. At that time, the only thing left to do is replace your air conditioner. As this is the perfect time for new air conditioner installation, you should take a hard look at whether your current air conditioner can make it through another year. What follows are 3 ways that you can tell whether or not you need to replace your system.

Operating Cost

If you’ve kept your system in pretty good operating condition over the years, you probably have a good idea of how much it costs to operate it from month to month. If you notice that costs start to increase over the course of a few months, it might mean that your system is wearing out. The wear and tear that all systems accumulate over their lifetimes will eventually cause yours to steadily decrease in efficiency. That forces it to operate for longer to achieve the same results, which costs you more money.


Another good way to tell whether or not you need to replace your air conditioner is to keep track of how often it requires repairs. Normally, you shouldn’t need to have your system repaired more than once or twice a year. Older systems have many more worn out parts, however, which are liable to fail much more often. If you have to have your air conditioner repaired every few months, it’s a good sign that it is ready to be replaced.


The average lifespan for an air conditioner is between 15 and 20 years. It is possible for an air conditioner to operate well past that point, but oftentimes the problems that begin to occur at that age are enough to warrant a new system. If your air conditioner is older than 15 years, you might want to consult a professional about replacing it.

If you think it may be time for a new air conditioner, call touchstone Heating & Air, Inc. We provide air conditioner installation services throughout Gainesville, FL.  

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Finding the Most Efficient System for Air Conditioning Installation

Thursday, January 29th, 2015

Every whole-home appliance uses energy which is why it’s important to review the energy efficiency of a given system before installation. There are different rating systems for appliances and whole-home systems; for instance, heating systems use a rating called AFUE. When it comes to air conditioners, the rating to review is called SEER. Energy efficiency can, and should, be an important factor for any air conditioning installation in Lake City, and we’ll explain more about this below.

What Is SEER?

SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. SEER is based on a scale of 1 to 23; the higher the SEER number, the better the energy efficiency of the unit. SEER tells you how much cooling a particular AC will provide for every unit of energy it uses.

SEER Minimums

In 2006, federal law mandated that all air conditioners have a minimum SEER of 13; prior to this, the minimum SEER was 10. If you are replacing an outdated system, you may see a significant savings from your new system because each SEER point higher can save you up to 10% on your annual cooling costs.

How SEER Works

SEER doesn’t tell you that one unit will cool your home better than another; what it tells you is that if you have two comparable units, and one has a SEER number of 13 and the other has a SEER number of 16, the unit with the SEER of 16 will cost you less to cool your space versus the unit with the lower SEER number. As such, the unit with the higher SEER number will save you more money by being a more energy efficient unit. However, a more efficient unit can cost more initially, so it’s important to balance between the monthly savings a particular unit can cost you and the initial costs.

Confused about SEER? Working with a trained expert can help ensure that you choose and install an air conditioner that has the energy efficiency you want for your home.

Contact Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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What to Look for in an Air Conditioning Professional

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Spring is here and summer won’t be far behind. That means that you need your air conditioner to function at peak capacity. If your current model is old or shows signs of serious wear, now is the time to consider new air conditioning installation in Gainesville FL.  And anyone considering a new unit needs to find an installation services that knows how to do the job. You can select from a number of different companies, many of whom possess adequate credentials. But to get a really great service, you have to go beyond that. Here’s a short list of what to look for in an air conditioning professional.

  • Affiliations. Proper licensing and certification is a basic necessity, but quality organizations will have affiliations that go beyond that. In particular, look for companies that are endorsed by a local Chamber of Commerce, which provides a third-party assurance that your air conditioning professional is up to snuff.
  • Longevity. Companies that are just starting out may be quite reliable, but a company that has been in service for a fair amount of time – at least a decade – has a proven track record for success.
  • Free estimates. A reputable company will always provide estimates in advance, so you know what the financial picture looks like before installation begins on your new air conditioner.
  • Emergency services. You never know when you might need a trained technician and breakdowns don’t always follow 9-to-5 hours. A company that offers 24-hour emergency service is thoroughly dedicated to customer satisfaction.
  • Positive reviews. Even in the information age, good word of mouth is still an excellent means of determining quality. Look for air conditioning companies that post positive reviews from satisfied customers: indications of a history of quality service.

If you know what to look for in an air conditioning professional, then Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. has what you need. If you’re interested in new air conditioning installation in Gainesville, FL, call us today to set up a consultation. You’ll be glad you did!

We’ve been in business since 1998, we offer emergency service and free estimates, and we proudly stand by affiliations from Chambers of Commerce and happy customers alike.

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