Signs of a Failing Compressor in an AC

September 5th, 2022

The compressor is the literal heart of the AC: it’s what makes refrigerant circulate through the system and go through the process of evaporating and condensing. It’s an extremely powerful component that uses more electricity than any other part of the AC—from 35,000 to 41,000 watts per hour. It’s also an expensive piece to replace if it fails. Homeowners often find it more cost-effective to replace the entire air conditioning system in the case of the burnt-out compressor.

We want to help you avoid running into a problem because of a failed compressor. If you call for AC repair in Madison, FL in time, we can sometimes rescue the compressor and keep your AC working for several more years. 

Below are some warning signs of a compressor that’s failing.

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How an Old AC Can Become Too Costly (And Not Just in Money)

August 22nd, 2022

We understand that people want to get their money’s worth from their homes’ air conditioning systems, so they’ll try to push those ACs to last as long as possible. But an old air conditioner is a costly thing to have in a home—and not only because it will waste money.

The average service life expectancy of a central AC is 10 to 15 years. When an air conditioner reaches this range or goes beyond it, it will create problems. Below are some of the ways your old AC can be costing you.

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Should I Invest in More Expensive Air Filters for My AC?

August 8th, 2022

Purchasing a new air conditioner is a big investment in any home. It is critical that you do what it takes to maintain your AC.

Many factors play a role in that process, such as ensuring that you are buying high-quality air filters (and changing them often enough). The big question, though, is if there really is a difference and a benefit to those really expensive air filters. Or can you go with the least expensive options and do just fine? When it comes to air conditioning in Newberry, FL, the answer to this question is not always as clear as it may seem.

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What Happens If I Run My AC Without Its Filter?

July 25th, 2022

We place special emphasis on a maintenance task that homeowners can do on their own to help their air conditioning systems: regularly change the air filter. After a span of one to three months, this filter will pick up enough dust and debris that it will choke off airflow into the HVAC system. This leads to numerous troubles:

  • A drop in energy efficiency leading to higher electricity bills
  • Strain on the blower fan motor that can make it overheat and trip the circuit breaker
  • Low airflow from the vents
  • Reduced cooling power
  • Infiltration of dust and debris into the AC unit, leading to damage

And you might think, “Well, if a clogged air filter is such a bother, why not run the AC without the filter?” We hope you don’t actually try this, because that air filter does an important job. If you run your air conditioner for any length of time without the air filter, you risk serious damage to the cooling system and AC repair in High Springs, FL—or even a full replacement.

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Common Misunderstandings About Air Purifiers

July 11th, 2022

Although the technology of air purification isn’t new, it’s become more widespread in residential usage than ever before. People have a greater concern about the quality of the air circulating through their homes, and having an air purifier in Live Oak, FL is one option to help improve comfort and general health.

Because there’s plenty of information about air purifiers available, it’s easy to pick up misunderstandings and myths about them. We’ll help clear up some of the common misconceptions about air purifiers—and we hope you let us clear up your air with our professional indoor air quality services! 

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How AC Refrigerant Coils Work—And How They Can Go Wrong

June 27th, 2022

An air conditioning system has many different parts that combine together to provide cool comfort for a house. The part of an AC that does the direct cooling of the air is the evaporator coil, which works in conjunction with a second coil, the condenser coil, to allow for the heat exchange process that’s at the core of how an air conditioning system works.

Today, we’re going to look closer at how these coils work, as well as how they may end up requiring professional AC repair in Lake City, FL.

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How an Amateur AC Installation Can Go Terribly Wrong

June 13th, 2022

When we tell customers to rely on licensed professionals for their air conditioning services, it’s not just because we want the job. Of course, we want homeowners who need AC help to hire us, but we also know how poorly amateur work can go. This is especially true when it comes to installing a new air conditioner. Amateurs will make big promises of doing the job at a low cost, but you’ll end up paying a high price for their inferior, hasty work. Letting non-professionals install an air conditioner can go wrong in several ways…

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How Can I Improve My Home’s Indoor Air Quality?

May 16th, 2022

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a major topic for residential and commercial buildings today. The US Environmental Protection Agency has identified low IAQ as a significant health threat in the country, with many buildings having air that is 2 to 5 times worse than the outdoor air on average—and it can often get much worse. The source of much of the trouble is the low levels of fresh air circulation through buildings because of tight construction and heavy heat sealing designed to improve energy efficiency. In other words, the better we construct buildings, the less fresh air they get. Progress has a price.

If you’ve heard about the problems with IAQ, you may wonder how you can best protect your family’s health and improve household air quality. We can help: we’re experts in indoor air quality in Macclenny, FL and throughout North Central Florida. We have several tips for how to improve your home’s IAQ, both tasks you can do yourself and professional services we offer. 

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Already Got AC Blues? Watch for Signs You Need to Call to Repair It

May 2nd, 2022

The warm weather arrives in Florida early, and already air conditioning systems are switching on around the state to cool down homes. And that also means that some air conditioning systems will start running into malfunctions.

If you’ve already arranged to have your AC maintained, then the chance of running into an air conditioner malfunction early in the cooling season is low. (If you haven’t had your AC maintained yet, give us a call!) We still recommend you watch for early warnings that something is wrong with your AC as it starts up for the season. Moving fast to have air conditioning repair in Live Oak, FL will make the rest of the season and its hotter weather easier to bear.

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Better Air Quality Without Opening the Windows: Here’s How

April 18th, 2022

On a pleasant day with mild outdoor temperatures, opening the windows to your house is a wonderful way to let fresh air circulate through the rooms. Modern houses don’t “breathe” well because of the heavy insulation on them to improve energy efficiency, so letting outside air in to push out the stale air helps improve indoor air quality. 

You can’t have the windows open every day, however. During heavy rains or when the heat is extreme, opening the windows will make it much harder for you to stay comfortable since it will change the temperature indoors. Keeping your house sealed up for long stretches can make indoor air quality far worse. 

But you don’t have to let it be this way! With our help, you can enjoy better air quality with the windows closed and your house sealed up. We’ll explain how.

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