Do These AC Noises Mean It’s Time for Replacement?

July 10th, 2023

When you hear an unusual sound coming from your air conditioner, you want to call for service sooner rather than later. Unusual sounds always mean that something is wrong with your AC, and putting off a maintenance call can lead to a system breakdown.

If you’re having AC problems and think it may be time for an AC replacement in Alachua, FL, our team can help. You can keep reading to learn more about unusual sounds and what they might mean is going on inside of your air conditioner.

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My AC Condenser Is Frozen. Now What?

June 26th, 2023

Having an icy condenser is a big problem. But it’s actually not the problem you need to be worried most about. After all, an icy condenser is just the result of a problem deeper in your air conditioning system.

If you notice ice developing on your condenser, it’s time to call for AC repair in Newberry, FL. If you’re wondering what to do when your AC condenser develops ice, you can keep reading to learn more. We will also share some reasons that ice may develop on your condenser coils so that you can understand the problem better.

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Are Heat Pumps Good For Florida?

June 12th, 2023

If you’re shopping around for a new air conditioner this summer, you may be considering a heat pump system. This type of air conditioner is great because it also offers heating all in the same unit. That means you don’t have to have a separate air conditioner and heater.

Heat pumps work great here in Florida, and you can keep reading to learn more about why. Then give our team a call for AC replacement in Newberry, FL. Whether you end up choosing a heat pump or other type of air conditioning system, our team can help with all of your AC needs.

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How AC Tune-Ups Will Save You Headaches This Summer

May 15th, 2023

You’ve heard us say over and over again that AC maintenance is crucial for keeping your air conditioner working at its best. There are both short-term and long-term benefits to AC maintenance, but the short-term benefits are perhaps the most enticing. 

You want to have peace of mind this summer that your air conditioner will work great no matter how hot it gets outside. Our team can help by providing services like air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL. Keep reading to learn more about why a spring AC tune-up will benefit you this summer season.

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Why Your Home Needs Better Indoor Air Quality

May 1st, 2023

Did you know that your home is up to five times more polluted than the air outside? When you are outdoors, fresh air is constantly circulating. But the air in your home can quickly become stale as it collects allergens and contaminants. 

Indoor air quality has an impact on many aspects of your life. It can even impact how well your air conditioner operates to cool your home. If you’re interested in an air purifier in Starke, FL, our team would love to help. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the benefits of an air purifier for improving your home’s indoor air quality.

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Watch Out for AC Condensate Drainage Troubles

April 17th, 2023

When your air conditioner cools the air in your home, it also removes some of the humidity to help the air feel cooler. After all, drier air feels cooler than if there is extra humidity in the air. When your air conditioner removes moisture from the air, that moisture has to drain out somewhere.

That’s where your condensate drain line comes in. Still, it’s possible for this drain line to get clogged and allow water to back up into your AC and home. If you think that you need to have service for your air conditioning in Newberry, FL, our team is here to help. Keep reading to learn more about problems with your condensate drain, how to identify them, and what you can do to help.

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The Best Ways to Make Keeping Cool Cost Less This Year

April 3rd, 2023

Spring is here, and the weather is warming up. We are all going to be using our air conditioners more, and likely looking for ways to keep energy costs down. You want to stay cool, but you don’t want to overspend on those efforts. And it can be very easy to forget and turn your thermostat down a couple of degrees only to find out the next month that your energy bill doubled.

The good news is, you can stay cool without worrying about energy costs with our pro tips. And if you think that your AC needs a tuneup, you can give us a call for AC in Newberry, FL. In the meantime, keep reading to learn how you can save money on keeping cool this summer.

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Before Your AC Really Gets to Work, Find Out If Anything Is Wrong With It

March 20th, 2023

It’s time to start thinking about the heat. Not just the warmer weather of spring, but the real scorching days of midsummer. Right now is the best time to make sure that you have an air conditioning system in your home that can handle the intense Florida heat.

“My AC has worked fine before,” you might say. “What will stop it from working fine again?”

Past performance isn’t a good guide to future results, especially when you consider the wear and tear an AC in Florida goes through. Your air conditioning system may have hidden malfunctions you don’t know about. Before you throw your AC into the hottest weather of the year, it pays to know if anything isn’t right with it. Scheduling timely AC repair in Wellborn, FL or elsewhere in North Central Florida will save you from dealing with your cooling system failing abruptly when you need it the most.

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Welcome March! And Welcome Air Conditioning Maintenance!

March 6th, 2023

The month of March means the end of winter and the beginning of spring. That doesn’t necessarily mean an immediate change to spring weather, but warm weather is never far away here in Florida. 

March is a great time to think about how you’ll keep your house comfortable throughout the steady heat of the middle of the year. For all of us at Touchstone, this when we get to work helping customers with air conditioning maintenance. This is one of the most important services we offer, because it helps our customers enjoy the best performance from their cooling systems and get the largest return on their investment in home comfort. Maintenance eliminates most of the problems an AC may have. Best of all, it bestows peace of mind for our customers who don’t want to get trapped with a broken AC in the middle of a July heatwave. 

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Will an Air Purifier Remove All the Contaminants in My Home?

February 20th, 2023

The simple answer to this question is “no.” Science has yet to devise any type of single air purification or air filtration system that will remove 100% of airborne contaminants from a living space. Your house contains multiple sources of airborne pollutants (furniture material, building materials, paints, varnishes, cooking products, hobby products, cleaning chemicals, cosmetics, and people) that are continually emitting contaminants into the air. No air purifier can remove all of them and give you a “clean” home. The clean rooms found in healthcare facilities and industrial facilities are the closest it comes to contaminant-free environments.

This doesn’t mean an air purifier in Sanderson, FL for your home has no value. You can’t remove 100% of the contaminants, but you can get close. The right use of air purification and air filtration professionally installed into an HVAC system can remove more than 98% of unwanted particles from circulating through your house. That’s an impressive amount. But what’s the right air purifier for the job?

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