Contaminants that Air Filtration Can Remove

March 20th, 2014

Here in Gainesville FL, air filtration systems are a common in many households. Good indoor air quality is as important to a home as comfortable humidity levels and steady temperatures, and sometimes an air filtration system is the only way to properly ensure that. Air filtration systems can range from simple filters to UV lights to whole-house systems designed to thoroughly clean the air moving through your home. Results vary, but all of them create cleaner air and fewer contaminants in your home.

Here’s a quick list of some contaminants that air filtration can remove.

  • Household dust. Household dust comes from mites, human skin cells and other debris that invariably develops in any household.
  • Pollen. Pollen is a huge concern in this part of the world, especially in the spring when allergies can rage. If you have someone in your household who suffers from allergies, an air filtration system is almost a necessity
  • Pet dander. Pets shed hair and dander as they go about their business, and over time that can build up in your house. The more pets you have, the larger the issue becomes
  • Outdoor contaminants. This includes dust and debris from outside the home which can be tracked in order enter through doors, windows and similar vents.
  • Mold and bacteria. Bacteria and other forms of biological contaminants can pose an active danger to your household. UV lighting makes an excellent safeguard against such contaminants
  • Cigarette smoke. If you or someone in your household smokes, the cigarette smoke can circulate throughout your house via the HVAC system. Certain types of air filters can capture the smoke particles and keep them out of the rest of the house.

Knowing the contaminants that air filtration can remove is the first step to understanding how an in-house system can help you. In Gainesville, FL air filtration systems can be installed by the experts at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. We can help you decide on a system that works for you needs, then perform an installation with courtesy and care. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

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Tools Professionals Use for Duct Sealing

March 13th, 2014

Here in Gainesville, FL, indoor air quality can be a big concern: not only dust and dirt blown around by your duct system, but biological pollutants like bacteria and viruses. When breaches arise in your ducts, indoor air quality tends to go down. Luckily, a reliable HVAC ompany can seal your ducts, which helps prevent contaminants from entering your system.  It’s tougher than it looks. Despite the name, duct tape is an awful tool to seal your ducts (the temperature changes mean it will probably be loose again in a few days). Instead, the tools professionals use for duct sealing are much more specialized.

  • Flex duct or similar patches. Patches for the breach need to need the specifications demanded by the ducts themselves, and ideally should be composed of the exact same materials. That allows it to respond to temperature changes and other stressors in the same manner as the surrounding material, which will help it last once it’s in place.
  • Sheet metal tools. These are used to cut, shape and even fit the patch into place, and since the path is usually composed of some manner of sheet metal, the tools need to be right for the job. They can include sheers, hammers, crimpers and notchers.
  • Tensioning tools and straps. These allow the patch to be held in place while the technician works on it, freeing up both of his hands rather than forcing him to use one to hold it in place. It allows the sealing operation to proceed more smoothly and efficiently, which is no small concern considering the narrow confines most ducts are located in.

The tools professionals use for duct cleaning are important, but they won’t add up to much without the right technician using them. If your have a breach in your ducts and need it sealed, then call on the experts at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. for help. We work in Gainesville, FL, indoor air quality is a significant concern for us, and we have considerable experience in finding and sealing breaches in your ducts. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

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Can My Heating Be Retro-Fit for Zone Control?

March 4th, 2014

People use many different systems to heat their homes in Gainesville FL, including ductless mini split systems which offer zone control. These kinds of systems space a series of individual indoor units throughout your home, each of which heats just a single room or section. That allows you to tailor the individual temperatures to each room – for example, by lowering the heat in the kitchen while you cook while raising it in the living room where another family member is reading. You can even turn off the heat in parts of the house you aren’t using, helping you save a great deal on monthly energy bills.  “That’s all fine and good if I’m installing a new system,” you say. “But I already have an existing ducted heating system. Can my heating be retro-fit for zone control?” In point of fact, it can.

For forced air systems, zone control means installing a series of dampers at key points throughout your duct system. They are all connected to a control panel, and each zone is controlled by its own thermostat. It allows you to exercise full control over the temperature in your house and even shut down the heat to one area while keeping another area fully heated. It can be designed to work with your existing system, helping you save energy without replacing your heater.

In order to set it up, however, you need a technician with the tools and experience to do the job right. This is true not just for the basic installation, but for those moments when repairs and maintenance are required. A skilled technician will always be here for you and ensure that your system functions exactly as it is supposed to. If you want to retro-fit your heating for zone control, the experts at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. are here to help. We’ve developed years of expertise on this subject, and our technicians know how to do the job right. For upgrades to your heating in Gainesville FL, you can’t do better. Pick up the phone and call us today to make an appointment!

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The Differences Between Air Filters and Air Purifiers

February 25th, 2014

Air filtration can do a great deal to keep the spores and allergens of our humid climate in check, as well as making your Lake City, FL  home a more pleasant place to be in general. Air filters and air purifiers are both connected to your home HVAC system, and both concern themselves with the quality of your indoor air. Beyond their basic function, however, they’re very different pieces of equipment. Which one you use – and the reasons why – tie into the specific circumstances of your home. Here’s a brief rundown of the differences between air filters and air purifiers.

For starters, a certain type of air filter is a completely necessary part of your existing HVAC system. You could technically run it without them, but you certainly wouldn’t want to. Air passes through the filter when your system runs, trapping dust, dirt and other particles in the process. This helps keep the system clean and prevent dust from building up on its components. These air filters are designed to be replaced after a few months (though some of them are washable and can be reused after they are clean).  You can also add additional mechanical air filters to your HVAC system to improve your air quality. These come in different MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) ratings depending on the size of particles you want removed, and trap the particles as the air in your ducts passes through them.

Air purifiers, on the other hand, are a little different. These are usually electrically powered and are designed to collect particles differently. Instead of trapping dust and debris in the filter, they use a charged ionization chamber to give pollutants an electrical charge, then the particles accumulate on collector plates with the opposite charge. Purifiers are not a standard part of most HVAC systems, but they can be installed in most existing systems as a way of further purifying your air.

The two are basically different levels of treating the same problem. You’ll always need at least one air filter, but if you want to augment it with the installation of an air purifier, that’s up to you. For more on the differences between air filters and air purifiers, or to schedule an installation session, call upon Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. We operate in Lake City, FL, air filtration is a part of our service, and we’re dedicated to your complete satisfaction. Give us a call today!

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3 Upgrades That Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

February 17th, 2014

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, low indoor air quality is one of the major threats to health in the country today. Because modern homes are sealed to keep out heat in the summer and trap it during the winter, there is less proper ventilation of fresh outside air. Although it’s easy to open up the windows to allows in the air, that ceases to be an option when the weather becomes too warm or too cold.

There are upgrades to your home’s ventilation system that will help you improve your indoor air quality in Lake City, FL. Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. can assist you with finding which of these upgrades will benefit you.

3 upgrades we recommend for indoor air quality

  • UV germicidal lights: People do not like to consider the possibility of mold and other bacteria developing inside their ductwork. However, this is a frequent problem in humid Florida weather, and it needs to be dealt with because of the negative effects it can have on your air. The best way to safely remove microbacteria from your ventilation system without using sanitizers or sprays is with UV germicidal lights. The high-frequency rays from these fixtures destroy the cellular structure of bacteria and prevent them from returning—all without damaging your ducts or your air.
  • Air filters: Mechanical air filters, which trap contaminants in a dense bed of fibers, are a simple but very effective ways to keep your indoor air clean. The effectiveness of a filter is measured as MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value), with a higher number meaning greater efficiency at trapping contaminants. Air filters must be properly matched to an HVAC system; for this you should rely on professional installers.
  • Air purifiers: These devices go a step beyond the mechanical air filter and use electrical power to take an active approach to cleaning the air. These purifiers ionize particles in the air and attract them to collector plates. This method allows the air purifier to trap particles far smaller than what a standard mechanical filter can.

Find out what indoor air quality upgrades you need

Not every home needs the same air quality issues addressed, and any upgrades will need to be matched to your HVAC system. You should contact indoor air quality specialists to help you find the solutions you need to improve the air you breathe in your home every day.

Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. is serious about helping you have better indoor air quality in Lake City, FL. We can install a variety of filters and purifiers, as well as UV germicidal lights. Contact us today to find out what we can do to help your home health and comfort.

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Who Wrote the First Valentine’s Day Poem?

February 14th, 2014

The celebration of Valentine’s Day is often seen as a modern institution, even if the roots of the holiday go back to Late Antiquity and the figures of St. Valentine of Rome and St. Valentine of Terni. It’s difficult to separate our view of February 14th from the more recent phenomenon of greeting cards, comical cupids, and specialty treats from candy companies.

However, not only are some of these traditions older than we might think (mass-produced Valentine’s Day cards were an enormous success in early 19th-century England), but the earliest Valentine’s Day love poem comes from none other than the first great English author, Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote in the second half of the 14th-century.

Chaucer’s most famous work is The Canterbury Tales, an enormous collection of linked stories in poetry and prose. But his 700-line poem “Parlement of Foules” has the special distinction of being the first surviving record of a connection between Valentine’s Day and romantic love. Chaucer probably composed the poem in 1381–82. At the time, he was a member of the court of King Richard II, holding an important bureaucratic position in London. The date suggests that Chaucer wrote “Parelment of Foules” to honor the first anniversary of the engagement of the English king to Princess Anne of Bohemia.

The poem follows the dream of the narrator, where he walks through Venus’s temple and discovers a meeting of birds where they all choose their mates. This is where the mention of St. Valentine’s Day appears (English modernized):

For this was on St. Valentine’s Day,                                                                         

When every bird cometh there to choose his mate.                                                                  

The poem also contains a familiar Valentine’s image, Cupid with his arrows:

Under a tree, beside a well, I saw

Cupid our lord his arrows forge and file;                                                             

And at his feet his bow already lay.

When Chaucer mentions St. Valentine’s Day, is he referring specifically to February 14th? Late winter isn’t a time when birds in England would mate. However, the date for the start of spring—when some birds would have started nesting in England—was on February 23rd in the calendars of the time, certainly close enough for Chaucer to take poetic license and nudge it a bit to match with Valentine’s Day.

Love birds remain a popular symbol of Valentine’s Day even now, and for this we can thank Chaucer. In fact, he may very well have invented the link between love and Valentine’s Day, although we will probably never know for certain.

Whoever started these traditions, all of us here at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. hope you have a wonderful February 14th!

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Why Heat Pumps Are Popular for Heating

February 6th, 2014

Many homes in our area use heat pumps to keep comfortable throughout the winter. The technology uses a refrigerant cycle similar to that seen in air conditioners to both cool and warm the house. During the summer, the heat pump absorbs the heat from your house and transfers it outside, and during the winter it absorbs heat from the air outside and brings it in.  It’s an effective system, which is just one reason why heat pumps are popular for heating in Gainesville, FL. A short list of additional reasons can be found below.

  • Energy efficient. Heat pumps don’t actually create heat. They simply transfer it from the refrigerant to the surrounding air. The process is very efficient, which means that heat pumps use less energy than other types of heating.
  • Warm-weather friendly. Heat pumps lose their efficiency when the weather drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, though most are equipped with electric resistance coils that can turn on for very cold days. Luckily, Florida weather only rarely dips down that far, making heat pumps a good fit for our balmy climate. Since they provide excellent air conditioning, you can take care of your year round comfort with just one system.
  • Cost savings: Since you only need a single heat pump for both heating and cooling, you can have a lower installation cost than installing a furnace and a central air conditioner separately.

Understanding why heat pumps are popular for heating in Gainesville, FL is just part of the equation. The other part comes with finding a reliance service to maintain and repair your heat pump. For issues with heating in Gainesville, FL, the experts at Touchstone Heating & Air Inc. are ready to help. Give us a call when your heat pump experiences problems, or you just need a little maintenance to keep it running at its peak!

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Signs of a Heat Pump Refrigerant Leak

January 29th, 2014

Did you know that heat pumps operate according to the same principles that air conditioners do? They circulate refrigerant and take advantage of the temperature changes created when it shifts from a gaseous to a liquid state and back. When refrigerant leaks out of the system, it can cause problems with your heat pump, just like it can with your air conditioning system, that need to be corrected immediately.

Here are some ready signs of a heat pump refrigerant leak:

The biggest sign of a refrigerant leak is the formation of ice on the evaporator coils (either indoor or outdoor, depending on your heat pump’s current mode). Like air conditioning units, heat pumps need specific levels of refrigerant to work. When those levels drop, the cooling or heating process is compromised and ice forms, not only preventing your heat pump from working efficiently, but also insulating the remaining refrigerant from absorbing heat.

A more direct sign comes with your heat pump’s reduced ability to heat or cool the air. You may notice this simply by feeling the air being blown into your home, or in the fact that the heat pump runs longer than it usually does during the cooling or heating process. You might also notice it in your monthly bills, which go up dramatically despite the fact that you’re not running the heat pump any more often than normal.

Tracking down the leak can be difficult, since the refrigerant usually escapes in gas form and doesn’t betray any overt signs of removal. Trained technicians can detect the leak using specific equipment, then seal it up and recharge refrigerant levels to restore functionality to your system.

Heat pumps are very popular here in Florida, in part because they work best in places with mild winters like ours. If you live in Gainesville FL, heating repair companies like Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. can help you with refrigerant leaks. Once you spot signs of a heat pump refrigerant leak, give us a call to repair the damage. We have the experience to do the job right, and our technicians are dedicated to your complete satisfaction!

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Are Unusual Noises a Good Reason To Call For Furnace Repair?

January 22nd, 2014

If you have a forced-air furnace, you’re used to it making noise when it turns on. The blower fan has a motor that makes some noise, and there is also the noise of the warm air circulating throughout your house. But what happens when those noises don’t sound normal? Are unusual noises a good reason to call for furnace repair? Usually, the answer is yes.  If you need Gainesville FL furnace repair services, call Call Touchstone Heating and Air Inc.

An unusual noise invariably suggests a problem that needs fixing, though the precise nature of the problem varies. The noise itself may provide a few clues. A rattling sound likely indicates something loose within the furnace, while a buzzing or humming suggests some kind of electrical problem. If the fan motor or some similar component runs into trouble, it’s apt to emit some kind of buzzing or grinding noise. Sputtering burners might also make unusual sounds and if the fan blades themselves are bent, they will make grinding noises as they rub up against their casing.

Whatever the exact sound, if you detect it, it means trouble. Ignoring it and hoping it will go away is probably the worst thing you can do in this situation, since the problem causing the noise will likely get worse until your heater breaks down completely. Instead, take careful note of when the noise first arose – At the start of the heating cycle? When it shuts down? Have whatever information you can get ready for when you furnace technician arrives.

Call the experts at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. to pinpoint the problem and make repairs. We are available 24/7 for Gainesville, FL, furnace repair services.

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Leaking Refrigerant and Heat Pump Repair

January 14th, 2014

Heat pumps use refrigerant to absorb heat from the air, which is either transferred to the inside or outside of your home, depending upon whether its in heating or cooling mode. That allows the heat pump to warm your home in the winter when temperatures are low and cool it in the summer when things get hot and muggy. All of that depends on the right amount of refrigerant, however. When it leaks, it can cause some significant problems. Here’s a basic rundown on leaking refrigerant and heat pump repair.

Refrigerant can leak out of the system at any point, but often seep out from a breached line or an imperfect fitting between two components. It’s often undetectable to the naked eye, though trained service professionals have tools to accurately pinpoint the source of the leak. In any case, the breach invariably lowers the amount of refrigerant in the system, which depends on a very specific amount of gas to work.

The cooling process takes place in the evaporator coils, which receives a set amount of liquid refrigerant from the expansion valve. Once it enters the coils the liquid evaporates, drawing heat from the surrounding air in the process. If the refrigerant levels are too low, the pressure will be too low, and you can wind up with frozen coils that won’t be able to absorb heat from the air.

Repairing the issue means hunting down the source of the leak and sealing it before recharging refrigerant levels to their recommended levels. The experts at Touchstone Heating & Air can help. If you need heat pump repair in Gainesville, FL, give us a call!

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