The Composition of Snowflakes: Are No Two Alike?

December 25th, 2014

“No two snowflakes are alike.” This is a statement nearly every schoolchild has heard at least once, either while crafting unique snowflakes with a sheet of folded paper and some scissors or while learning a lesson on the science of snow. While even most scientists don’t quite understand what causes a snowflake to form such complex and beautiful columns and points and branches, one thing is for certain, the composition of snowflakes guarantees that no two will ever be identical.  However, it is possible for two snowflakes to appear to be nearly exactly alike.

A snowflake begins to form when a piece of dust catches water vapor out of the air. Water is created when two hydrogen molecules attach to an oxygen molecule. The two hydrogen molecules are angled from one another in such a way that they form a hexagonal shape when they come together during the freezing process; thus, a snowflake begins as a simple hexagonal shape or as layers of hexagons called diamond dust. The emergent properties that follow from the original hexagon are what differentiate one snowflake from another, as the humidity, the temperature in the air, and many other factors (some of which remain unclear to scientists) allow each snowflake to form in an entirely unique way with a seemingly endless variety of shapes.

However, in 1988, a scientist named Nancy Knight claimed to have located two that were the same while studying snowflakes as part of an atmospheric research project. And it appeared to be so; when put under a microscope, the emergent properties looked nearly identical. But while it is feasible that two snowflakes can appear to be exactly alike on the outside, they are never identical on an atomic level. Deuterium is an atom that appears attached to about one in every 3000 hydrogen molecules in the air. Because there are millions of atoms that make up a snowflake, the random assortment of deuterium in any two snowflakes—even in two that so very closely resemble one another—simply cannot be the same.

Here at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., we’d like to remind you to grab a cup of cocoa and relax with your family this holiday, perhaps by crafting some unique snowflake creations of your own. We wish you a very happy holiday season, from our family to yours!

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Why Do Heat Pumps Need Refrigerant for Heating?

December 18th, 2014

A heat pump is an effective and efficient heating and air conditioning system. In order for any system to provide cool air, it requires a medium to transfer heat out of a space first, usually using a chemical blend called refrigerant. But most heating systems don’t need any refrigerant at all, instead generating heat to heat up the air before it moves into the ducts. So what’s the difference with heat pumps? And why do they still need refrigerant for heating?

When homeowners need installation, repair, or maintenance for heat pumps in Fort White, they know to count on the expertise of the technicians at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc.

Heat Pumps and Refrigerant

We hear it surprisingly often: “Isn’t refrigerant used for cooling and not for heating?” But a heat pump uses refrigerant to pump heat from one area to another, out of the house in the summer and into the house in the colder season.

See, heat pumps are designed much like conventional air conditioning systems. A refrigerant line connects the indoor and outdoor units. The outside unit contains a compressor, while the indoor and outdoor units have a set of coils. In the summer, the indoor coil allows refrigerant to evaporate into a gas and absorb heat while a large fan blows air over the coil. The outside coil allows the refrigerant to condense and give off heat, essentially pumping the heat from one place to another.

In the winter, the heat pump utilizes a component that air conditioners do not have, the reversing valve. A reversing valve allows refrigerant to flow in the opposite direction, absorbing heat from the outside to bring into your house. This can work even in very cold temperatures, which is why heat pumps have become a popular replacement for air conditioning units.

Heat pumps are extremely efficient for heating since refrigerant only has to move heat rather than generate it. This means that if you choose a heat pump for new HVAC installation, you’ll see energy savings in the summer and in the winter.

Contact Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. for your new installation or for any other questions regarding heat pumps in Fort White.

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How Can You Tell Your Ducts Are in Need of Repair?

December 11th, 2014

Your ductwork is the delivery system for your home’s heating and cooling, and when something is wrong with it, you’ll see the effects in a few ways. It can sometimes be hard to tell when your ductwork has become faulty, so here are some signs to look for if you suspect you may need duct repair in Starke:

  • High energy bills – faulty ductwork can account for up to 30% of your home’s total air loss – a pretty significant amount that can seriously increase your energy bills.
  • Poor indoor air quality – are you noticing large amounts of dust and/or dirt in your home? Particles can enter through cracks and holes in the ductwork and accumulate in your home. If you are seeing a great deal of dust and dirt settling on your furniture, it may be time to have a professional take a look at your ductwork.
  • Strange odors – just as dust and dirt can enter your home through faulty ductwork, so, too, can odors and fumes. Additionally, mold is more likely to grow in faulty ductwork due to extra moisture and contaminants entering the system, so if you smell a stale odor coming from your vents, it may indicate that mold is present.
  • Uneven heating and cooling – ductwork doesn’t corrode or disconnect uniformly; as such, one of the telltale signs that you may have ductwork issues is uneven heating and cooling. Some of your vents may be in good working order while others won’t be, causing uneven heating or cooling in your home.
  • Not enough heating or cooling – depending on the level of air loss, your living spaces may not receive the volume of warm or cool air they need to be comfortable.

Why Hire Professionals for Duct Repair?

Ductwork can be long and complicated, and reach to the deeper parts of your home, including crawl spaces and attic spaces. It is also important to know what to look for and to understand how to repair the ductwork so it lasts a long time. Trained professionals have the expertise and knowledge to be able to repair your ducts in Starke quickly and efficiently.

If you are seeing the signs of faulty ductwork, call Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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How Can a New Thermostat Contribute to Heating Efficiency?

December 4th, 2014

One of the easiest ways to increase the energy efficiency of your heating system is to upgrade your thermostat. This may seem like too simple a solution, but upgrading your thermostat has a number of benefits that you may not realize. There are 3 main choices when it comes to upgrading your thermostat, as we’ll outline below, and each offers a level of control you can’t get with an outdated thermostat. Professional installation ensures that your thermostat will work properly, so call the people you can count on: Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc.

Types of Thermostats


A digital thermostat has precise temperature-setting and intuitive and easy-to-use buttons. The face is more readable than a dial or slide thermostat, and there’s no need to calibrate a digital thermostat as you have to with a mercury-based thermostat. Digital thermostats can easily replace your existing one, and your technician will properly dispose of your outdated thermostat.


A programmable thermostat allows you to take the benefits of digital precision to the next level by creating a program for your heating. You can set up to 4 different temperature settings per day, and create a full program that lasts for 7 days. If your weekly program is consistent, you can loop your 7-day program so that it runs continuously. Programming allows you to accommodate for times when your home may be unoccupied during the work week, weekends, nighttime and vacation time. You can program your heating system to cycle up and down when needed without having to do it manually.


With a smart thermostat, you can program, monitor and track your energy usage from just about anywhere; all you need is a smart device and access to the internet. You can use your smart thermostat’s app to program your thermostat, make changes and even monitor your energy use.

How Does an Upgraded Thermostat Help with Energy Efficiency?

  • Precision – dial or slide thermostats give a range of degrees rather than allowing you to pinpoint an actual temperature; this can make a difference of 2-3 degrees per setting. Considering each degree higher can equal 3% of your energy costs, being able to set an exact temperature can go a long way toward reducing your energy usage.
  • Programmability – being able to program your thermostat allows you to reduce the amount of heating you use. This kind of control saves you energy and money.
  • Monitoring/energy tracking – if you use a smart thermostat, you can monitor and track your energy usage, which can help inform you as to when and how to further reduce your energy usage.

Today’s thermostats are far more advanced than the outdated mercury or slide type of thermostats.

If you are looking to increase the energy efficiency of your heating in Jacksonville, contact Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc., and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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10 Facts You Should Know about Thanksgiving

November 27th, 2014

on the Mayflower. But did you know that only about half of the people on this ship were actually pilgrims? This fact is one of ten things that may actually surprise you about the Thanksgiving tradition!

  1. Although we often consider Thanksgiving a holiday unique to the United States, many other countries and cultures celebrate their own set of harvest-time and thanksgiving traditions. In Korea, Chu-Sok (or “fall evening”) is put on in remembrance of forefathers on August 15th of every year. Brazil celebrates a contemporary version of the U.S. holiday. Chinese, Roman, and Jewish cultures all have a history of harvest celebrations as well.
  2. President Harry S. Truman began the tradition of a ceremony held before Thanksgiving during which the president receives a turkey. George H.W. Bush was the first to pardon the turkey instead of eating it.
  3. In Minnesota alone, farmers raise over 40 million turkeys a year. In fact, U.S. farmers produce about one turkey for every one person in the country.
  4. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American will gain about one to two pounds every year during the holiday season.
  5. On the other hand, turkey is naturally high in protein and has been known to support and boost immune systems to protect against illness and speed up healing. So feast on!
  6. Abraham Lincoln issued a “Thanksgiving Proclamation” in 1863, but a woman named Sarah Josepha Hale can be credited with the idea. While Thanksgiving had been celebrated at different times of year in many areas of the U.S. for years, it was Hale, prominent magazine editor and author of the rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” who urged Lincoln to finally establish the national event.
  7. President Franklin D Roosevelt once tried to change the date of Thanksgiving to the second-to-last Thursday of the month in order to extend the holiday shopping season and boost the economy.
  8. Only about half of the people on the Mayflower were what we would consider today as “Pilgrims.” The other (approximately) 50 people were simply trying to find a way over to the New World.
  9. Gobble, gobble! Click, click? While male turkeys make a gobbling noise, females (hens) do not; it’s often described as a clicking.
  10. Even though we celebrate Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November, the month of June has been declared National Turkey Lovers’ Month by the National Turkey Federation so you can continue the celebration in the summer as well!

From our family here at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., we’d like to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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How Does a Zone Heating System Improve Efficiency?

November 17th, 2014

Heating efficiency is a priority in most homes, and there are a number of tools and upgrades homeowners can utilize to achieve better energy efficiency through the winter. One such upgrade is a zone heating system. Zone heating systems are easy to use but relatively complex to install, so if a zone heating installation in Jacksonville seems like a great idea for your home, call the people who can install the system quickly, correctly and efficiently: Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc.

How Does a Zone Control System Work?

The first step with the installation of any zone control system is to designate the zones. Zones can be a single room, a group of rooms, a floor or wing of your home – the decision is yours. Once the zones are designated, the technician installs motorized dampers into the supply ducts of your ductwork; these dampers are connected to a main control panel. Each zone is outfitted with its own thermostat that also connects to the main control panel. The main control panel controls the opening and closing of the dampers to maintain the temperature set in each zone.

How Can a Zone Control System Help Heating Efficiency?

With a zone control system, you use only the heating you need. For instance, with a zone control system, you can turn off heating to the areas of your home that are unused or unoccupied; you can’t do this with regular ductwork. By reducing the amount of heating you use, you use less energy, making your home more energy efficient.

A second way a zone control system can help with heating efficiency is by reducing operational time. Being able to customize your heat means you use less heat; this means your system doesn’t need to generate as much heat, and as such, it operates for less time. Less operation means more energy savings for you. 

If you are interested in seeing what a zone heating installation in Jacksonville can do for you and your home, call Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc., today.

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Key Components Involved in a Ductless Heating System

November 10th, 2014

Ductless systems have become very popular with homeowners, offering both cooling and heating to homes. Some people wonder how ductless heating in Lake City works; not only are the systems ductless, but they offer both heating and cooling, making them 2-in-1 devices. We’ll explain the components and how the system works in more detail below. For all of your heating needs, call the people you can trust: Touchstone Heating and Air Inc.

Components of a Ductless System

Here are main components of a ductless system:

  • Outdoor unit – contains the compressor and condenser
  • Indoor blowers – small blowers, about 35” long, that operate independently of one another
  • Conduit – the indoor blowers and outdoor unit are connected by a conduit drilled into an exterior wall; this conduit holds the power cord, condensate drain line, and the refrigerant line

How Does the System Work?

When you turn on an indoor blower, the refrigerant begins to flow and the heating or cooling cycle begins. A small coil and fan reside inside each indoor blower, allowing the system to heat and cool your home.

How Does the System Heat?

Ductless systems that heat your home can do so because of heat pump technology. Heat pumps are equipped with a component called a reversing valve that can change the direction of the refrigerant flow. This allows the heat pump to change modes between heating and cooling. Inside your home, a dual-mode thermostat controls what mode the heat pump is in; when you need to change modes, you simply press the button and the heat pump does the rest.

What Are the Benefits of a Ductless Heating System?

  • Zoned heating – each blower operates independently of the others, allowing for customization of your heating.
  • Energy Efficiency – with a ductless system, you only use the heating you need, which helps save energy. In addition, not having to use ductwork means there is no chance of air loss due to faulty ductwork.
  • Limited Space/Expansion – whether your home has limited space or you are looking at expanding, a ductless system has the flexibility to handle both scenarios. The air blower for a ductless air conditioner is quite small and is typically placed flush against a wall or mounted to a ceiling; if you are expanding your property, adding an additional air blower to the space is not a difficult task as long as there is an outdoor unit to support it.

To find out if ductless heating in Lake City is a good fit for your home, call Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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3 Common Furnace Repairs

November 3rd, 2014

Furnaces are reliable heating systems, but at some point during your ownership, it is likely your furnace will need repairs. A number of problems can develop with your furnace, but there are some furnace repairs in Gainesville that our technicians see with relative frequency. The repair of a heating system is complex, so it’s important to hire trained technicians for all your heating repair work. For almost 15 years Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., has helped numerous customers with their furnaces, and we can help you, too. Call today!

Repair 1: Blower Fan

The blower fan is responsible for pushing the warm air from the heat exchanger into your ductwork. Different problems can arise with the blower fan, such as motor issues, problems with dry ball bearings, bent or loose fan blades and worn fan belts. Many of these types of issues can be detected during a routine maintenance appointment, which is one of the reasons why fall maintenance for your furnace is important.

Repair 2: Ignition Issues

There are 3 ways a furnace can ignite:

  • Standing pilot light – with a standing pilot light, a dirty nozzle can inhibit the flame, weakening it or even putting it out. A more complex problem with a standing pilot light may involve the thermocouple.
  • Intermittent pilot light – intermittent pilot lights ignite a small flow of gas from an electronic spark; as such, one of the common problems with this type of ignition is an issue with sparking. Another common problem has to do with positioning: if the pilot is too far away from the spark, it may not ignite. An intermittent pilot light can fail for a few reasons, so it’s best to allow a technician figure it out.
  • Hot surface ignition – a hot surface igniter is a small, silicone-encased probe that heats via electric current. Once the surface of the igniter reaches the right temperature, the gas flowing from the burner is ignited. It is very common for hot surface igniters to crack after a period of continual use, due to the high fluctuation in temperatures the component experiences.

Repair 3: Cracked Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger in your furnace heats the warm air for your home while simultaneously venting the toxic fumes created during the combustion process. One of the most common problems that develops with heat exchangers is cracking. Cracked heat exchangers can allow toxic fumes, such as carbon monoxide, to escape from the inside of the heat exchanger tubes. Cracked heat exchangers cannot be repaired, so it’s important to hire professionals for replacement.

If your furnace isn’t working properly, call Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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The Steps of Professional Furnace Maintenance

October 27th, 2014

Have you scheduled your furnace’s annual maintenance visit yet? Right now is the ideal time to get it done, during the fall before the weather starts to turn colder. We recommend that anyone who uses a furnace to heat their home have maintenance done once a year during fall. This will not only prepare the furnace for the work ahead, but it will also catch any repair issues before they can become serious, and will keep the furnace working at its most energy efficient.

With our Energy Savings Agreement, you’ll receive a furnace check-up and inspection in the fall, as well as a visit for your air conditioning during the spring. Call us today to hear about the details.

What happens during furnace maintenance

A routine maintenance visit for a furnace follows a number of basic steps. Your technician will make any adjustments necessary depending on the condition of your furnace and what he or she may discover during the session.

The technician will start by replacing or cleaning the furnace filter, and show you how you can do this during the rest of the year on your own if you don’t already know how. After that, the technician will check to see if the thermostat is correctly calibrated so it reads temperatures accurately.

Next, the work inside the furnace cabinet begins. The technician lubricates the fan motor, which is an important part of relieving stress on the system. Next comes a check on the electrical system (even a gas furnace uses electricity to run its fans) to measure voltage and look over the fuses, breakers, and other wiring. If necessary, the technician will tighten loose electrical connections.

One of the key steps a technician will take for a gas-powered furnace is to look for any signs of corrosion on the unit and especially on the heat exchanger; cracks along a heat exchanger due to corrosion can lead to dangerous carbon monoxide leaks, and the exchanger will need to be replaced. The technician will also clean off the burner if necessary. Finally, the maintenance technician will perform a visual inspection of the ductwork to see if there are places were air might be escaping.

The technician will present you with any problems discovered during the check-up and offer advice on repairs or services you may need to improve the system and keep it operating safely. Once the maintenance job is completed, you should have a furnace in the best running shape possible, ready for another year of keeping your home cozy.

When you sign up for the Energy Savings Agreement with Touchstone Heating and Air Inc., you will not only receive quality heating maintenance in Lake Butler, FL that will keep your heater working efficiently for many years, you will save 15% on repair services and receive priority scheduling. Contact us today.

Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. offers an excellent program for heating maintenance in Lake Butler, FL and other communities in North Central Florida. Call us today!

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What Are the Benefits of Scheduling Prompt Duct Repair?

October 20th, 2014

The ducts are a key component of any home HVAC system, but they can fall prey to a number of problems that keep the unit from running as efficiently as it could. Ducts may develop cracks, come loose at the joints, or even collapse. Or, your ducts may have a design flaw that keeps one area of the home from feeling as cool or as warm as you’d like. In fact, a majority of homeowners have problems with the ducts that lead to up to 30% of air loss, a major drain on their energy bills.

Noticing a problem with the ducts may be tough, but there are a few signs to look out for. If one area of the home never seems to be as cool as the rest, it could be a problem with the air conditioning system, such as low refrigerant or a struggling compressor. On the other hand, it’s very likely a problem with the ducts. Prompt duct repair is vital if you want to achieve the following results.

  • Fewer HVAC Repairs: When there are holes in the ducts, air leaks through, which means your home will not feel cool as quickly as it should. This means that your unit will have to work harder to keep up with the loss, which could cause parts to wear down quickly and fall into a state of disrepair.
  • Greater Efficiency: Furthermore, when parts become worn, they simply cannot run as efficiently as they should. Worn down parts will take longer to heat your home and consume a lot of energy in the process, leading to higher energy costs. With prompt duct repair, your HVAC system can distribute air as it is supposed to, and won’t spend excessive energy making up for a faulty duct.
  • Better Air Quality: Finally, duct repair can actually help improve the air quality in your home. A leak in your ducts may allow pollutants like dust and bacteria to enter from the attic or crawlspace and infiltrate your home, causing sickness or aggravating existing conditions like asthma and allergies. Well-sealed ducts keep these from infecting your home.

The technicians at Touchstone Heating and Air Inc. know properly sealed ducts are key to a comfortable home. Call our office today and ask about scheduling professional duct repair in Gainesville.

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