Heat pumps are great systems for keeping your home comfortable all year round. However, they don’t last forever. Time and normal use will eventually wear out your heat pump, and when that happens you need to have it replaced. You probably don’t want your heat pump to die on you in the middle of a hot summer day, so it’s a good idea to know some of the more obvious signs that your system is failing. That way, you can get it replaced without a lapse in climate control. Let’s examine some of the more common signs.
3 Signs That Your Heat Pump Needs Replacing
July 20th, 2015How to tell if Your Air Conditioner is Leaking Refrigerant
July 13th, 2015One of the worst possible problems that can happen to your air conditioner is a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant is the lifeblood of any air conditioning system, and without it the system starts to suffer. Low refrigerant can cause all sorts of problems, up to and including breakdowns. With this in mind, you should keep a close eye out for various signs that your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant. If you do spot any of these signs, call a professional to look at it as soon as possible.
Keep Your Cool with these Energy-Saving Tips
July 6th, 2015Here in Gainesville, FL, our air conditioners operate at full blast all cooling season long. How else are we supposed to stay cool? While we don’t encourage anyone to go without cooling for too long considering the power of the sun and the high moisture content looming in the air, you may want to reduce your energy costs. We all know how expensive cooling can be, and we want you to find a happy balance between comfort and efficiency. Here are some ways to keep cool as we enter the hottest part of the year.
Why Your Air Conditioner is Icing Over
June 29th, 2015During the hot days of summer, it may seem like a good thing that your air conditioner has ice forming on it. It’s meant to be cold, right? Not really, no. Ice on your air conditioner is actually a sign that the system is malfunctioning. If not fixed soon, it could cause a whole slew of problems for your air conditioner, including a full system breakdown. Read on to find out more about why your air conditioner ices over, and what to do about it.
Heat Pump Problems You Should Know
June 22nd, 2015As the summer season gets into full swing, most of us are going to be relying on our cooling systems to keep us comfortable on a daily basis. That includes heat pump users, a rapidly growing demographic in the home HVAC market. While heat pumps are great systems for keeping comfortable all year round, they are not perfect. There are still problems that can affect them, and if you’re a heat pump owner you should know what they are. Let’s take a closer look at the problems you’re likely to run into during this summer.
Common Problems with Ductless Air Conditioning Systems
June 15th, 2015Ductless air conditioners are becoming more and more popular, especially now that we’re moving into the summer season. As great as they are for cooling your home, though, ductless air conditioners are just as susceptible to problems as any other system. While they share many common problems with traditional air conditioners, there are a few unique ones that you need to watch out for. Let’s take a look at some of the common problems with ductless air conditioning systems.
When is it Time to Replace Your Commercial Air Conditioner
June 8th, 2015Commercial air conditioners are very sturdy systems, but they are not invincible. Sooner or later, you’re going to replace yours. When the time comes to replace your commercial air conditioner, it pays to be able to recognize the signs. You don’t want your first warning to be when the whole system breaks down on you. The sooner you can recognize when you need a commercial air conditioner, the better off you’ll be. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the signs that it’s time to replace your commercial air conditioner.
How a Geothermal System can Keep You Cool This Summer
June 1st, 2015As the days start to warm up, some homeowners are going to be looking for new air conditioning systems to keep them cool throughout the summer. Centralized air conditioning isn’t the only way to keep your home cool, though. There are plenty of other options available to homeowners, one of which is geothermal. Read on to find out about geothermal systems, how they work, and the advantages of installing one in your home this summer.
Why You Should Consider Installing a Zone Control System
June 1st, 2015Summer is almost here, and that means it’s time to start using your air conditioner on a daily basis. As great as central air conditioners are, though, they aren’t perfect. There are a couple of distinct disadvantages associated with using central air conditioners. First, they tend to rely on a single thermostat to control them. This means that the air conditioner is operating based on the temperature readings in only one part of the house, which means it can cool other areas of the house too little or too much. Second, it wastes energy cooling areas that are not in use. Fortunately, there is a way to address both of these disadvantages in the form of a zone control system.
Why Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance is so Important
May 18th, 2015Most homeowners would call for air conditioning repairs as soon as they noticed a problem with the system. That’s all well and good, but what about problems that don’t have obvious symptoms? If you’re really interested in keeping your air conditioning system in the best possible condition, it’s a good idea to schedule preventive maintenance at least once a year. Read on to find out more about the benefits of preventive maintenance, and why you should schedule yours this spring.