What You Need to Know About Your AC Compressor

September 12th, 2016

There are many different parts that make up your air conditioning system, and you don’t need to know how they all work. However, there are a few vital parts of your air conditioner that it would benefit you to know. It’s important that you not only know about these parts, but be able to identify when they are having trouble. That will make it easier for you to call for repairs faster, preventing further damage to the system. Let’s take a look at one of those parts: the compressor.

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Beware These Weird Heat Pump Noises

September 5th, 2016

An important part of keeping your heat pump in good condition is calling for repairs as soon as you notice a problem. The faster you can identify a problem, the faster you can get it fixed and the more damage you will prevent. One of the easiest ways to tell if your heat pump is in trouble is to listen for strange noises coming from the system. Read on to find out more about some of the more common heat pump noises you should listen for.

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Which Air Conditioning System is Right for You

August 29th, 2016

There are a myriad of different air conditioning systems available on the market today, each of which are suited to a different set of needs. No air conditioning system is strictly better than any other. Rather, you should try to find the one the best fits your individual needs. If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, read on to find out more about some of the more popular types.

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Is Heat Pump Ice a Bad Thing?

August 22nd, 2016

As you use your heat pump to keep cool this summer, you may notice ice forming on the inside part of the system. If you see this, do not ignore it. Heat pump ice may seem like an indication that the system is cooling your home properly, but it isn’t. In fact, heat pump ice is an indication that the system is experiencing a serious problem that needs to be corrected. Let’s take a look at why heat pump ice happens, and what it can do to your system.

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The Importance of Bi-Annual Heat Pump Maintenance

August 15th, 2016

Have you scheduled preventive maintenance for your heat pump yet this summer? Even if you last had it done less than a year ago, it’s still very important that you have the system professionally checked out every summer. Heat pumps need maintenance twice as often as other climate control systems. Read on to find out why.

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Why Your AC Output is Dropping

August 8th, 2016

Having your air conditioner start to lose output in the middle of a hot summer is…less than ideal. If your air conditioner output is dropping, there could be a number of reasons why. You should call for repairs, but while you’re waiting, you should have a look at some of the possible reasons why your air conditioner output is dropping.

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Why Your Heat Pump is Icing Over

August 1st, 2016

Is your heat pump icing over? If so, you’re in trouble. Heat pump ice is a serious problem that can cause multiple malfunctions, output drops, and even full system breakdowns. Let’s take a look at what causes heat pump ice to form in the first place, and the damage it can cause if it isn’t removed.

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Do I Need a New Ductless System?

July 25th, 2016

Ductless systems can last quite a while, especially if you take proper care of them. However, no amount of maintenance and repairs will keep a ductless system going indefinitely. Sooner or later, you’re going to need to install a new system. It’s best that you be able to recognize the signs now, so that it doesn’t suddenly die on you. Let’s take a look at some of the indications that you need a new ductless system.

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The Problem of Short Cycling

July 18th, 2016

Have you noticed your air conditioner turning itself on and off every couple of minutes this summer? If so, you have a big problem. That behavior is called short cycling, and it places a huge amount of stress on the system. If you don’t call for repairs right away, you may end up replacing your air conditioner years sooner than you otherwise would. Read on to find out what causes short cycling, and the damage it can cause.

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Common Ductless Air Conditioning Problems to Watch for

July 11th, 2016

If you’re using a ductless system to keep cool this summer, you should keep an eye out for some common problems that may occur. The more you rely on your ductless system, the more strain you’re going to put it under and the more likely it’s going to be for problems to occur. Let’s take a look at some of the common ductless air conditioning problems you might run into this summer.

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