What it Means if Your Ductless System is Icing Over

November 28th, 2016

If you’re using a ductless system to stay warm this winter, you may notice ice starting to form on the outside of the system. This isn’t necessarily a problem, but under the wrong circumstances it can quickly become one. If you are worried about the effects of ice on your ductless system, read on for more information.

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Furnace Issues to be Aware of

November 21st, 2016

As we move into winter, you should keep an eye out for any signs that your furnace is experiencing a problem. More strain on the system means more wear and tear, which means a greater likelihood for issues to crop up. The faster you can catch these issues, the better off your furnace will be. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the furnace problems you need to be aware of this winter.

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Watch Out for These Heat Pump Problems

November 7th, 2016

If you’re using a heat pump to stay warm this winter, you should be careful of any problems that may show up. Demand on the system is much higher during this time than in fall or spring, and that means that the heat pump is more likely to need repairs. Read on to find out more about some of the common problems that might afflict the heat pump.

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The Problem of Furnace Short Cycling

October 31st, 2016

As we get closer to winter, you’re going to start using your furnace for longer and longer hours on a daily basis. More use means more wear and tear on the system, which means more chances for problems to occur. One of the most dangerous problems that can happen to your furnace is called short cycling. Read on to find out where short cycling comes from, and why you need to call for repairs if it starts happening to your furnace.

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How a Whole House Dehumidifier can Help You

October 24th, 2016

High humidity is definitely an issue in a place like Lake Butler. Even during the fall and winter seasons, chronically humid air can cause a wide range of comfort and health problems for you. The best way to deal with these problems is to install a dedicated whole house dehumidifier in your home this fall. Read on to find out why high humidity is such a problem, and how a dehumidifier can help you solve it.

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Signs You Need a New Furnace

October 17th, 2016

No matter how well you take care of your furnace, there will come a point when you need to install a new one in your home. When that time comes, it’s important that you be able to recognize it as soon as possible so that you can replace it. You don’t want your system to break down in the middle of a cold winter month, right? Read on to find out more about signs that you need to install a new furnace in your home.

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Consider Installing a Ductless System This Fall

October 10th, 2016

With heating season just around the corner, now is the time to install a new heating system in your home. There are a wide range of different heating systems available on the market, each with its own list of advantages to offer. It’s important to take a look at the whole field, so you can find the heating system best suited to your individual needs. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how a ductless system can help you this fall.

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How Zone Control can Benefit Your Heating System

October 3rd, 2016

We’re not too far away from heating season. We may get hit with cold weather a little bit later than other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea to skip preparing for when it arrives. One of the ways that you can ensure that your heating system is in the best possible shape for the coming winter is to have zone control installed in your home. Read on to find out more about zone control, and how it can benefit you this year.

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Schedule Duct Sealing This Fall, Just to be Safe

September 26th, 2016

It may be boiling outside now, but it’s going to start cooling off in the next couple months. It’s important that you make sure your heating system is in good condition, in preparation for the coming heating season. Maintenance is part of that, but it’s not the whole story. Duct sealing is an important part of keeping your heating system in the best possible operating condition. Let’s take a look at how duct sealing works, and how it can benefit you this year.

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Remember to Schedule Ductless Maintenance This Fall

September 19th, 2016

Fall is upon us, and though we have a couple more months until heating season really sets in, it’s still a good idea to get started on preparations now. Part of that includes scheduling maintenance for your ductless system. If you just had your ductless system looked at a few months ago, don’t think that it means you can skip fall maintenance. Ductless systems need maintenance twice as often as most climate control systems. Read on to find out why.

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