Florida doesn’t exactly experience seasons the way most of the country does, but there are still some commonalities in how we cope with the climate. One of those commonalities is spring air conditioning maintenance. The winter is giving way to a warm spring and summer, which likely means increased demand on your air conditioner. If you want to make sure you’re prepared for the hot summer, schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioning system as soon as possible.
Why You Should Schedule AC Maintenance as Soon as Possible
February 27th, 2017The Most Important Thing You Need to Know About Whole-House Air Filters
February 13th, 2017The indoor air quality in your home is probably quite a bit worse than you think it is. Sure, you may not be hacking and coughing every minute you spend inside, but that doesn’t mean that your air quality is as good as it could be. Poor air quality has substantial impact on the health and comfort of the home’s occupants. It can cause all kinds of issues, from allergy attacks, to the flu, to bouts of asthma. These issues are typically the result of exposure to microscopic contaminants. Common household air contaminants include, but are not limited to, dust, pollen, dander, viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. It’s a good idea to install a whole-house air filter to address these contaminants and improve your air quality. Before you do that, though, there are some things that you need to account for.
What Happens When Your Furnace is the Wrong Size
January 30th, 2017So you’re looking for a new furnace and you’ve got a lot on your plate. You’re probably buried in comparisons between fuel types, AFUE vs HSPF ratings, and a dozen other considerations. So, it can be pretty tempting at times to just go with whatever furnace fits in the space you have available just to get the whole process over with. We don’t recommend that for a number of reasons, one of the most important being this: size matters. If the furnace you install in your home is too big, or too small, you’re going to be amazed at how quickly things are going to turn sour for you.
How Long do Ductless Systems Last?
January 16th, 2017Climate control systems are expensive, for the most part. They’re also necessary for a lot of people, which means that the name of the game is to get the best return on investment possible. The way to do that is to make it last for as long as you can, and to replace it before it suddenly dies on you. If you’re using a ductless system, you should know that the average one lasts about 10-15 years. You can use that range as a guide, but the best way to tell whether you need a new ductless system is to keep watch for certain warning signs.
The Advantages of Upgrading Your Thermostat
January 9th, 2017How often do you replace your thermostat? Is it as often as you replace the other parts of your heating or air conditioning system? If not, you may actually be unknowingly decreasing the effectiveness of your climate control systems. It’s important that you upgrade your thermostat at least as often as your heating and air conditioning systems. Read on to find out why.
The Advantages of Installing a Heat Pump
January 2nd, 2017There are a myriad of different heat pump system types available on the market. So many, in fact, that it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of different options available. Each heating system type has its place, though. What’s important is that you find the best one for your needs. Read on for some of the ways that a heat pump might help you this winter.
How a Maintenance Program Can Help You
December 26th, 2016Your HVAC systems probably see a lot of use throughout the year. Even in winter, it’s common to use both heating and air conditioning systems pretty frequently. All of that causes the wear and tear on those systems to increase, which means a greater chance of problems occurring. If you want to keep your systems in the best possible shape, the best thing to do is make sure that they see regular professional maintenance services.
Why Is My Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air?
December 19th, 2016Furnace Noises That are Warning Signs of a Problem
December 12th, 2016Your furnace is going to be under a lot of strain over the next couple of months, which means that problems will be more likely to occur. It’s important that you know the warning signs that your furnace is developing a problem. One of the easiest ways to tell that your furnace is having issues is to listen for any strange noises coming from it.
How to Maintain Your Indoor Air Quality This Winter
December 5th, 2016As we get further into winter, you’re obviously going to make staying warm one of your top priorities. However, you also need to be paying attention to your indoor air quality. Poor indoor air quality can have a serious negative effect on both your health and comfort. If you want to improve your quality of life as much as possible this winter, you need to start by improving your indoor air quality. Here are some tips on how to keep your indoor air quality high this winter.