If You Want to Keep Your AC Healthy, Get on a Maintenance Plan

July 17th, 2017

air-conditioning-serviceEveryone wants to get the most years of service out of their climate control systems as possible. These are big investments, after all, and replacing them after only a few years would be quite a blow. Keeping your eye out for signs that your system is in trouble is a good way to mitigate any problems that might come up. However, it’s not the best way to ensure that your system is in good shape. If you want to keep your air conditioner in good condition for this summer, and the next ten summers beyond, get on a maintenance plan.

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Tips to Keep Your Indoor Air Quality High This Summer

July 3rd, 2017

woman-blowing-noseKeeping cool and comfortable is certainly important during the summer months. However, it’s far from the only thing you need to worry about when it comes to your indoor climate. Indoor air quality has a substantial impact on both health and comfort levels. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most ignored factors by homeowners. If you want to stay and comfortable as healthy as possible during the summer season, make sure that you improve your indoor air quality by following these tips.

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If Your Heat Pump Meets This Criteria, It’s Time for a New One

June 19th, 2017

heat-pump-cashThe middle of summer is just about the worst possible time to have your heat pump break down on you. Unfortunately, no amount of care and maintenance can keep a heat pump functioning forever. Sooner or later, there absolutely will be a time when you need to replace your heat pump. You need to be able to tell when your heat pump is getting to the end of its lifespan, so that you can have a new one installed before the current one permanently breaks down. If your heat pump can’t get you through another summer, consider replacing it now. Have a look at the following signs that you need a new heat pump.

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3 Advantages of Installing a Ductless Mini Split

June 5th, 2017

ductless-mini-splitIf you’re in the market for a new air conditioner this season, you have many different options available to you. Each type of air conditioning system has its own advantages, suited to a different set of individual circumstances. Before you make a decision on which system you should install, though, you should closely examine the advantages of each. Let’s take a look at three of the advantages associated with installing a ductless mini split.

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Ways to Improve Your Air Conditioner Performance This Summer

May 22nd, 2017

air-conditioningIt can be kind of hard to differentiate seasons in a place like Florida. Summer is often identified as that season where the days are slightly hotter than at every other time of year. However, it’s still a good idea to make sure that your air conditioner is in top condition for the hottest months of the year. Summer is the time of year when air conditioners are put under the most stress. There are a couple of different options you can explore for upgrading your air conditioner this season, so it’s ready to serve you well throughout the summer season.

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Consider Replacing Your Air Conditioner if it Fits This Description

May 8th, 2017

air-conditioner-replacementSummer is just around the corner for most other parts of the country. For us, though, seasons are a more nebulous concept. You’ve probably already been using your air conditioner for weeks, and you’ll be relying on it pretty heavily over the next couple of months. Air conditioners suffer a lot of stress in places like Florida, especially during the summer. No amount of care and maintenance can keep them operating forever, either. That’s why you need to know when it’s time to replace your air conditioner with a new one. If your AC sounds like it fits the points below, you should consult with a professional about getting rid of it.

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Want to Keep Your Air Conditioner in Good Shape This Summer? Read This

April 24th, 2017

air-conditioning-serviceYou’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often over the next few months. More use means more wear and tear, which means more chances for a problem to develop. If you take certain steps, though, you can make sure that your air conditioner is in top condition to cope with the added demand. Have a look at the two major things you can do to ensure the health of your AC.

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Tips for Keeping Your Indoor Air Quality High This Spring

April 20th, 2017

dandelion-fieldDuring this time of year, far too many people focus on trying to stay cool and neglect other important home issues. Not that staying cool isn’t important, of course. Just make sure you devote at least as much attention towards making sure that your indoor air quality remains high.

Indoor air quality is one of those things that’s very important for health and comfort, but which the vast majority of homeowners simply ignore. Have a look at why indoor air quality is so vital to your comfort and health, and what you can do to keep it high this spring.

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Why You Should Replace Your Air Conditioner if it Uses r22/Freon

March 27th, 2017

You may not think about the refrigerant in your air conditioner very often (or at all.) However, it’s still a very important part of keeping your system running properly. In fact, without refrigerant, your air conditioner wouldn’t be able to absorb heat and vent it out of your home.

Refrigerant is not actually a name for a specific fluid, though. Instead, it’s a blanket term for a number of different materials that are used for the same general purpose. For many decades, the most common type of refrigerant in use was Freon. In fact, this is still the name most people come up with when you ask them what refrigerant is. However, Freon has a number of problems associated with it that have led to it being phased out of use in air conditioners over the years. Now, Freon is all-but-gone from the field, which is part of the reason that you should replace your air conditioner if it uses the fluid. Learn more about why you should install a new system if your old one uses Freon, by reading below.

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3 Odd Noises That Mean Your Air Conditioner is in Trouble

March 13th, 2017

As we move into spring, it’s important to look ahead to the summer months. The hottest months of the year are not that far off, and you’re going to be using your air conditioner more and more often as the year progresses. Problems are more likely to occur during this time, as the demand on the system increases. You need to know how to identify problems with the air conditioner, so that you can have it repaired as soon as you notice them. One of the best ways to do that is to listen for odd noises coming from the system.

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