How Corrosion Can Affect Your AC

September 10th, 2018

ac-units-scrapyardCorrosion is a major enemy of most metal devices and appliances. With air conditioners, corrosion along the evaporator or condenser coils is responsible for 40% of system failures. Corrosion can happen quickly and may result from years of moisture exposure.

If you notice corrosion starting anywhere on your home’s cooling system, call for professional AC repair in Alachua, FL. The sooner you have the problem dealt with, the less likely you’ll need to replace the air conditioning system years before its time.

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When an AC Is Too Old to Keep Around

August 27th, 2018

old-acNo air conditioning system is “the last AC you’ll ever need to buy.” No matter how well you maintain your home’s cooling system, it will need to be replaced at some time. It’s a matter of knowing when: If it be not now, ‘tis to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all.

Now Let’s See If Your AC Is Ready

How can you know your aging air conditioner is at the replacement stage? Thankfully, ACs give off several signs they’re in decline, and there are a few other factors to consider when you’re debating about putting a new air conditioner.

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How Does Geothermal Air Conditioning Work?

August 13th, 2018

geothermal-loopsHave you been calling recently for AC repair in Newberry, FL more than you think you should? Then there’s a strong chance that your air conditioner is ready to be replaced. You can arrange with us to have a new central air conditioner put in, or maybe a heat pump if you’d also like to switch out an aging electric furnace.

But… have you considered the possibility of installing a geothermal air conditioning system instead?

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Water Dripping from the AC: Here’s What’s Happening

July 30th, 2018

air-conditioner-units-near-grassWhen your home’s air conditioning system is running during the hot and humid Florida summers, you’ll occasionally hear a sound of water dripping inside it. This is a normal part of the AC’s operation: it’s the sound of water falling from the evaporator coil and going down a condensate drain.

So hearing water in the AC is no big deal. But if you see water dripping out of the AC in your house, something’s wrong and you may need to have professionals repair the system.

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Do My AC Bills Need to Be THIS High?

July 16th, 2018

air-conditioner-money-saverShort answer: Probably not. You can lower them.

Long answer: Running an air conditioning system in a Florida summer, when it’s hot and humid, often gets expensive. The compressor, which is the heart of an AC system, uses a large amount of electricity when it turns on—much more than running the HVAC system fan alone. After a few mild months at the beginning of the year, you can expect to see electrical bills climb because your household air conditioner has gotten down to work.

But those bills are most likely higher than they should be. There are multiple ways that an AC can consume excess power and become inefficient, and some may be from simple errors. Others require professional air conditioning services in Alachua, FL. We’ll take a look at some ways to lower those steep air conditioning costs.

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Can I Make Any AC Repairs on My Own?

July 2nd, 2018

tools-on-ac-unitThe modern air conditioning system is a complex piece of refrigeration equipment. Actually, electromechanical air conditioning has always been complex: newer systems have added on more computerized parts and taken away refrigerants that are toxic or explosive, so although you aren’t likely to cause an explosion by tinkering with an air conditioner on your own, you’re likely to make whatever is wrong with it much worse. You want only licensed and trained HVAC professionals to handle any air conditioning repair in Newberry, FL.

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A Short-Cycling Air Conditioner—Why It’s Bad News

June 18th, 2018

spinning-fan-cuIs your AC turning on and off again? It’s definitely not normal.

Short-cycling occurs when your AC turns on and off, over and over, without going through a proper cooling cycle. In the short-term, short-cycling will stop your home from getting cooler. In the long-term, you’re looking at costly repairs and possibly even replacement.

The bad news is that short-cycling can have a profound effect on your next energy bill. The good news, though, is that the earlier you take care of the problem, the better off you’ll be.

Keep reading to find out why short-cycling is more than just an annoyance.

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Times When Ductless Mini Splits Are Great for a New AC

June 4th, 2018

ductless-acYou may have heard of ductless mini splits. Ductless heating and cooling is popular in Europe and Japan, and is now making inroads here in the US. If you’re thinking of installing a new cooling system before the major summer heat arrives, going ductless might be a good option. But ductless mini split heat pumps (that’s another term for them) are not ideal for every home.

The best way to find out if ductless cooling is ideal for your situation is to call our professionals. But we can give you some help right here to help you start thinking about whether you should get a ductless or standard split system air conditioner.

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Summer Cooling Tips to Lower Your AC Bills

May 21st, 2018

stack-of-billsTemperatures are rising in Florida, but the rain is also falling, so we aren’t quite into the full heat of summer yet. Your utility bills won’t show the price spike you expect when your air conditioning system starts running on a regular basis.

When the price spike comes, we’d like to help you keep it from being quite so steep. Here are a few simple tips to help lower air conditioning bills over the summer without having to make big sacrifices in comfort. Some you can do on your own. Others require the assistance of AC professionals—but they’re definitely worth it.

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A UV Air Purifier Is Also Good for Your AC!

May 7th, 2018

UV-air-purifier-lightWe often recommend UV air purifiers to our customers who are looking for the best in indoor air quality. UV air purifiers use the power of ultraviolet radiation, the same energy that comes from the UV rays in the sun, to kill organic pollutants moving through a home’s HVAC system. This includes bacteria, germs, viruses, and mold spores. UV air purifiers are especially helpful for the Florida climate, which is humid enough to make it easy for many unpleasant organic pollutants to thrive. Mold in particular is a problem that can get into many ventilation systems, where it not only releases unhealthy mold spores but can create damage to the ductwork.

But did you know that installing UV germicidal lights in your HVAC system helps your air conditioning system? Your AC will enjoy better performance, a longer service life, and keep your home more pleasant when it’s working in tandem with a UV air purifier.

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