Is an Air Purifier Necessary If I Already Have Air Filters?

January 11th, 2021

air-filterBefore we go further in answering this question, we want to make sure we know what you mean by “air filters.” If you’re referring to the air filter on your HVAC cabinet, the one you’re supposed to change every one to three months, then you don’t have an actual air cleaning system of any kind in place. This filter isn’t in place for better indoor air quality but to protect the interior of the HVAC system from dust and debris. The type of air filters you need for improved indoor air quality are specialized air filtration systems, and that’s something you can call us for. These filters are the best place to start when you’re looking to improve indoor air quality for your house.

If you already have a set of these types of filters, then it does make sense for you to wonder if they’re enough. Maybe you need an air purifier in Alachua, FL for the best IAQ.

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Why Is My Heating System Making My Home Too Hot and Stuffy?

December 28th, 2020

temperature-gaugeHeating a home in Florida during our mild winters is a bit of a juggling act. We don’t need our heating systems to run every day, through most of the day, as in a cold northern state where the weather is routinely below freezing. We’ll need our heaters on certain occasions and run them long enough to keep away the cool chill of days that are in the 50s. This makes it easy for a heater to get a house too hot and stuffy when it runs. 

If you’re currently having trouble getting your house to the right balance of comfort on colder days because it always seems like rooms are getting uncomfortably warm, then you may need heating repair in Macclenny, FL. There are several possibilities for why you’re having this stuffy, overheated house problem.

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If Your Furnace Isn’t Working, Here Are Some Steps to Take First…

December 14th, 2020

ThermostatBefore we go further in this post, we want to be clear: we are not recommending you attempt to repair your furnace on your own. There is a big difference between the troubleshooting steps outlined below and actually taking out tools and tinkering around inside your furnace. Anything more complicated than the steps we recommend is something to leave to a certified HVAC professional. Not only will the professional know how to accurately diagnose and repair the furnace, they’ll be able to do it safely. Amateur work of any kind on a furnace can lead to dangerous situations.

Now that we’ve got that cleared up—what can you do when your furnace isn’t working before you call us for heating repair in Alachua, FL?

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When Is It Time to Stop Repairs and Get a New Home Heating System?

November 30th, 2020

home-basement-furnaceWhen winters are freezing cold and having a heating system is a basic part of survival, the question of when to get a new heater is an urgent one that people tend to think about long before the blizzards strike. Obviously, we don’t have the same kind of problem here in North Central Florida, where our winters are mild. But in ways, this makes the question about whether to replace a heater or keep repairing it trickier. No matter how often you use your heater, at some point, you’ll need to retire it because continuing with repairs is more costly.

We’re going to look into the “heating replacement vs. heating repair” in Lacrosse, FL question. You don’t have to make the final decision alone—call us and we’ll give you the expert advice you need, as well as whatever service is best for your future heating.

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A Few Best Practices for Saving Money With Heating In Florida

November 16th, 2020

money-saving-piggy-bankThe weather in Florida is often weird. And during the winter it becomes more unpredictable. Handling home heating in Lacrosse, FL and other parts of Northwest Florida can be tricky. You may not have to deal with bone-shaking cold in your house, but trying to manage the temperature swings of the winter can cause energy waste over the season. 

We can help! Below we’ve outlined some best practices to make your heating as low-cost this winter as possible. 

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Should You Prep for Winter Weather Now? Yes, And Here’s How

November 2nd, 2020

time-service-clock“Winter weather” is a relative term in North Central Florida. We won’t get hit with snowstorms or bone-chilling subzero temperatures. However, we often deal with rain and temperature swings that make it necessary for our homes to have working heating systems. November is the right time—deeper into fall—to make sure your residential heating system is able to do the job you expect from it. You don’t want to switch on your electric furnace for the first time in December only to discover you already need to schedule heating repair in Lake Butler, FL for it, after all.

Here’s what you can do to see that you have a heating system in good shape for the sometimes odd winter weather of Florida.

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You Want a New AC for Next Year: Now What?

October 19th, 2020

air-conditionerThis sounds a bit like a Christmas request (we don’t think Santa can cram a new central air conditioning system down your chimney, and we also doubt he has the proper certifications to accurately size it), but it may be a big question you’ve got for the upcoming season. You know that the current AC you have is near the end of its service life, and trying to push it through another summer in Florida may end in disaster. 

If you’re concerned about the performance of your central air conditioning system, we suggest you take steps soon for AC installation in Gainesville, FL. Our winters may have cooler weather than our summers, but the hot days never go away for too long. You may need the air conditioner up and running soon—so it’s better to have the air conditioner be a new one.

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Let’s Do Some Forward Thinking About Your Home Cooling

October 5th, 2020

air-conditioning-with-flowersFall is one of the best times of the year to start thinking about your Lake City, FL, HVAC system. And not just the heating system, which you don’t rely on nearly as much as your air conditioning system in the Florida climate. This is a good time to consider the future of your home’s central cooling system because it’s much easier to make changes during the upcoming cooler weather, and you’ll be under less stress regarding the heat.

So let’s work together and think ahead, not just to next summer but the summers after it, and see what we can do for the best central cooling for your household.

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What AC Service Do You Need More: A Repaired AC or a New AC?

September 21st, 2020

question-markFlorida doesn’t go by the same seasonal playbook as many parts of the country. Air conditioning service in Gainesville, FL is something people consider throughout most of the year. Fall and winter offer better opportunities to have air conditioning jobs done, but the gap between periods when we won’t need our ACs running and when we do is narrow.

Since it’s now officially fall, it’s the right time to bring up a crucial question about air conditioning services: which job do you need done the most in the coming months, repairing your air conditioner or getting a new one?

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Warning Signs of Motor Problems in an AC

September 7th, 2020

compressor-in-ac-unitYour air conditioning system runs from a variety of motors. Trouble with any of these motors will affect your AC’s performance, lower your home comfort, raise your electrical bills, and may lead to a complete system breakdown. When you have trouble with an AC motor, the best solution is to call our technicians for air conditioning repair in Lake City, FL. We’ll repair or replace the troublesome motor.

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