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How Can You Tell Your Ducts Are in Need of Repair?

Your ductwork is the delivery system for your home’s heating and cooling, and when something is wrong with it, you’ll see the effects in a few ways. It can sometimes be hard to tell when your ductwork has become faulty, so here are some signs to look for if you suspect you may need duct repair in Starke:

  • High energy bills – faulty ductwork can account for up to 30% of your home’s total air loss – a pretty significant amount that can seriously increase your energy bills.
  • Poor indoor air quality – are you noticing large amounts of dust and/or dirt in your home? Particles can enter through cracks and holes in the ductwork and accumulate in your home. If you are seeing a great deal of dust and dirt settling on your furniture, it may be time to have a professional take a look at your ductwork.
  • Strange odors – just as dust and dirt can enter your home through faulty ductwork, so, too, can odors and fumes. Additionally, mold is more likely to grow in faulty ductwork due to extra moisture and contaminants entering the system, so if you smell a stale odor coming from your vents, it may indicate that mold is present.
  • Uneven heating and cooling – ductwork doesn’t corrode or disconnect uniformly; as such, one of the telltale signs that you may have ductwork issues is uneven heating and cooling. Some of your vents may be in good working order while others won’t be, causing uneven heating or cooling in your home.
  • Not enough heating or cooling – depending on the level of air loss, your living spaces may not receive the volume of warm or cool air they need to be comfortable.

Why Hire Professionals for Duct Repair?

Ductwork can be long and complicated, and reach to the deeper parts of your home, including crawl spaces and attic spaces. It is also important to know what to look for and to understand how to repair the ductwork so it lasts a long time. Trained professionals have the expertise and knowledge to be able to repair your ducts in Starke quickly and efficiently.

If you are seeing the signs of faulty ductwork, call Touchstone Heating and Air, Inc., today and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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